Moonlight ...

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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(...) Would you consider them to be fairly easy to grow?

It grows on my windowsill, south facing but with about 25 cm distance to the window, next to Paph. godefroyae. As I bought it about 12 years ago the vendor told me that it will never grow on my window and die soon. But it didn't :D
Wow, that's impressive. Is it mounted or in a pot on the sill? I've always been hesitant of buying this species, thinking it needs warmer temps than my living room.

It grows in a pot. The most difficult thing is to get the new roots into the pot. The roots grow to the dark side (negative phototropism), so I always have to turn the pot round to get the roots growing down into the bark-mix. This year I couldn't manage this ...
You are right, the photo is taken on my windowsil-jungle and I made the moth last night with photoshop.

Don't trust in any photograph ;)
Good job with Photoshop.

I'd still hang the first one on my wall.