Jacket cover for my sci-fi novel.

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Oooohhhh!! Love a good sci-fi! What's it about?

It's about finding why the very first galactic civilization after the Big Bang disappeared. Who were they? What caused Multitime to break up after their passing for 500 millions years? Could it happen again to the galactic federation we will eventually join, thousands of years from now?

A woman archaeologist in our future will find the first clue. Then she will assemble the best minds she knows to follow up on that clue. Maybe the answers lie somewhere in a globular star cluster on the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. Possibly millions of planets have to be investigated, but she has Multitime on her side. Think of it as a quantum time computer analogy to find the answer.
This is my first. But I published tens of thousands of pages on every possible subjects and news while I worked for the Canadian Press.

Great, then this really is exciting! I read you bio and saw you were newsperson (that's the correct term, yes?), but a first true book is another matter. Congrats.
Looks intriguing, Michel. And the cover fits that concept very well. Intriquing and subtle. Congratulations -- I hope it sells very well!
I know it is science fiction but is it based on the truth?

The universe I invented, Random Time, is as close as possible to quantum mechanics as we understand it now. People travel through what I call a transrom, a machine, or portal, using entanglement, which has been proved to work in quantum mechanics. What Einstein called ''spooky action at a distance''. It could also be used one day to create a matter transporter like in Star Trek. Quantum particles have already been transported tens of kilometers in the Canary Islands. I'm talking instantaneous travel anywhere in the universe. In my novel, people can also travel through time backward and forward, through superposition, another proved quantum phenomena. In quantum mechanics, time can go forward as well as backward. You can think of my invented universe as a macro world of quantum mechanics. When you think about the largest things in the universe, like stars and galaxies, and the smallest, proposed in string theories, I don't find it so absurd to imagine that, at some level, the two could be a manifestation of the same thing. The concept of big and small may be our perception of reality, a Sesame Street kind of perception. So is it based on true science? My answer is yes...for now!
Sounds wonderful to me! Congratulations! I'll be your biggest fan and buy your book in hardback even. :>) It
will be released in the U.S., right? Aren't you excited and
Thanks everyone.
I can't wait for it to be published so that I can start a new novel, this one written in french and not science-fiction.
Sounds wonderful to me! Congratulations! I'll be your biggest fan and buy your book in hardback even. :>) It
will be released in the U.S., right? Aren't you excited and

Yes! On all counts. I will be ecstatic when I get the first book in my hand.