It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

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Catt's Meow
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Qualicum Beach, BC
Sigh. Our "annual" late Spring snowfall has arrived. Last year it happened in early June. I took this picture a couple of hours ago. We're supposed to get 10 - 20 cm overnight. :sob:

That is amazing. It is supposed to be close to 90 F (32 C) here tomorrow and we are not too far away from you guys in Canada!

it was snowing at my sister's in wyoming on monday, while it was 80F and about to go up to 90F here... I think you need more of those sun sculptures on your wall to melt that snow!
^^ Here too. We're supposed to get 1-3 cm overnight again. This is getting old. Next week is supposed to be nice though, 19 or 20 C. I can hardly wait...
So far no white crap, but we are being inundated by rain of positively biblical proportions here in Manitoba over the last two or three days. I took a drive this morning and the fields are underwater, and the creeks and ditches are overflowing.
wow, that sounds really nasty! here in the desert southwest were going for a toasty 90 degrees awww i love summer!:D
For the record, this is the first time I can remember in my entire life that it has snowed this late in the season here. I've seen snow in April before, even in early May, but not at the end of May! It's very depressing. Our growing season here is short enough!

I've covered my Cyps, but I'm still concerned for the flower buds tonight. If I lose them, I will lose my mind as well!

My mom says she remembers it snowing in June one year, so...
well we had that snow on mother's day up in the hills, but it's been above 50F for the most part at night and not supposed to be below that until next friday night. usually chilly weather would dip towards us, but we're holding steady... hope the flower buds don't blast from the cold. I'm not sure but I think some of the local blueberry crop may have been hit by the freeze (again like last year)