Hybrid identification

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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
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Dear all

I don't know the species involved in this hybrid
I suppose a cochlopetalum and parvisepalum
It is not Gold Dollar nor in charm harmony....
I love the neat contrasr between the large green dorsal and chunky whit pouch
The staminode shows parvi influence

May be someone could help?

Looks like Paph. Honey x primulinum. I see no Parvi influence.

The foliage is slightly mottled, the lip is very egg-like, and the way larger bud is cracking open at the end while still developing all make me think it is a parvi hybrid.

Maybe something like Norito Hasegawa x primulinum?
I don't think anyone can ID this given the variations of possible outcomes of hybrids.
One can only guess.

My first thought was In-charm Harmony ( I know you've probably ruled this out because your flower is not yellow all throughout but it's not always the case) or one with emersonii, which tends to give contrasting pouch color to the rest.
Both hangianum and emersonii will give that sort of leaves, but I see some markings so it could be some other parvis involved as well.

Or could very well be uniquely colored Alice Barrios ( Norito Gasegawa x ...) as mentioned above.
Who knows? But it's pretty for sure!
I think the pouch and staminode could be an indicator of parvi, although it's just a speculation, the variables are endless
The foliage is slightly mottled, the lip is very egg-like, and the way larger bud is cracking open at the end while still developing all make me think it is a parvi hybrid.

Maybe something like Norito Hasegawa x primulinum?

Many Cochlopetalums have slightly mottled foliage. However, the point you make about the lip is a good one.

I'm afraid that I do agree with most other posts here. It appears to be too complex to be able to figure out it's true lineage. So, it'll be a forever NoID.:(
Yes, rather unfortunate about ID being impossible with so many similar hybrids (and in all their little variations possibilities).

I would love to have this kind of NOID, though! :)
It is quite nice!
Thanks for your answer
Could it be a multifloral x hangianum ?
Prime child x hang ?
The dorsal and petals remembered me roth or philippinense...
Very 'pot-plant trade' breeding. Neat growth habit, attractive foliage, tall spike and sequential blooming. The lineage possibilities would be endless. I suspect that plants like Delophylum and Pinnochio might well feature in its makeup.