Hengduan Mountains Biotechnology

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Just call me Tom
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kyushu, Japan; warm temperate/subtropical climate
I did a little write up on my experiences with Holger and Wenqing that might be of interest to folks:

Hengduan Mountains Biotechnology, LTD.

I'm glad you all liked the article. Concerning whether they will be successful - suffice it to say that making money selling orchids overseas LEGALLY is not really worth the effort unless you only sell flasks. Their tour business is a better source of income to be sure, though stressful as well. I just hope they continue doing what they do so we all can benefit from their efforts.

Being the Cyp nut that I am, I also wrote a pictorial essay on their Cyp nursery. It has some brief text, however focuses mostly on photos of plants at their nursery in Huanglong:

Cypripedium Nursery in Huanglong
Thanks for posting these stories. Perner spoke at our society yesterday (and the paph forum), and the members appreciate your articles.

Interesting to learn that HBM has branched out and is flasking blueberries. It'll be interesting to see what over agricultural crops he may have available as flasks.

I know it's heresy, but he also has some interesting cymbidiums; looking forward to hybrids with sichuaneses.
Tom - another great article.
Maybe one day I'll join one of their tours to look at the cyps,

You know David that was exactly what I thought before I went and after I was floored by the whole experience. The Cyps (numbering in the thousands :eek:) were a definite highlight, but there was so much more beyond that. If you have the means to do it, I highly recommend going.

I know it's heresy, but he also has some interesting cymbidiums; looking forward to hybrids with sichuaneses.

Indeed he grows a lot of cymbids, especially the Jensoa types - lots of C. goeringii types (not the yellow, orange, and reds of Japan and Korea though). I love them, but longterm they demand careful handling and can be a bit tough to flower well.