Fertiliser regime

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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Usually,I am reading in the literature or on the Net that the paphios require only 100 mgr/1L nitrogen every two weeks. Is this enough? Is it necessary to reduce the fertiliser distributions frequency in winter? Quid of the large multiflowers paphios, are they require more fertiliser all the year than the mono? Which fertilization regime are you following for the paphios (please expressed in ppm N and frequency)? Many thanks in advance for the explanations which you can provide us on this subject.
You may want to try using the search feature at the top of the page or looking through old threads as this has topic has come up often.
During all the year or is it a resting period? Have you large multiflowers paphios?
Pretty much all year. Sometimes I skip a week here and there, but no prolonged resting period. Yes, I have about 10 multiflorals. Two are in bloom or spike right now.
Pretty much all year. Sometimes I skip a week here and there, but no prolonged resting period. Yes, I have about 10 multiflorals. Two are in bloom or spike right now.
Thank you for your response, me too I have a gardineri in spike for the first time with two buts.
You may want to try using the search feature at the top of the page or looking through old threads as this has topic has come up often.
Except some information on the phragmipedium culture the use of the " search " fonction returns no informations about the quantity and about the frequency. A clarification on this very hot subject will be welcome for all the members and readers of this forum.
You are right, I have used fertiliSer. Thank you and excuse me, I know that french is difficult to learn but english also possesses some subtleties.

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