The new growth on my paph. Delenatii has big variation in the size of its first and second leaves! (The third is still growing so should be ignored for now.) Is this normal?
I also noticed it's growing much slower now that nights occasionally dip down to 50s, and typical day temps are in 60s or low 70s. I know these like it warm! I may get my seedling warming mat out for it, but it's just big and a pain to use so I haven't yet. Would that make growth go quicker again you think?
I added extra light about 2 months ago, it was barely getting any this summer but still grew faster than it is now. Of course, it may have had some extra energy from being in the greenhouse. I bought it in August I think.
The third growth has barely grown. It tried to start a root a few months ago, which I didn't see in time and didn't have adequately covered in moss so it dried out aborted. Hoping it grows more!
Picture of a week after I got it (Sept 2 2023) vs now (Feb 22 2024):

I also noticed it's growing much slower now that nights occasionally dip down to 50s, and typical day temps are in 60s or low 70s. I know these like it warm! I may get my seedling warming mat out for it, but it's just big and a pain to use so I haven't yet. Would that make growth go quicker again you think?
I added extra light about 2 months ago, it was barely getting any this summer but still grew faster than it is now. Of course, it may have had some extra energy from being in the greenhouse. I bought it in August I think.
The third growth has barely grown. It tried to start a root a few months ago, which I didn't see in time and didn't have adequately covered in moss so it dried out aborted. Hoping it grows more!
Picture of a week after I got it (Sept 2 2023) vs now (Feb 22 2024):