Dendrobium violaceum

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
I got this plant from Far East Agriculture in 2015. I have one in pot and another individual on a mount, but they seem to grow equally well.

Can anyone help me with the distinction of the two subspecies? The leaf of mine is about 2-2.5mm wide. If I don't try to flatten the leaf, it is less than 2mm. It is at the border line of two subspecies (see more info here). Does the narrow leaf subspecies cyperifolium always try to hang down? The monogram by Reeves and Woods (1989) doesn't mention about the habit of hanging down.

Link to my Orchid Borealis blog post.

Dendrobium violaceum on Flickr

Dendrobium violaceum on Flickr

Dendrobium violaceum on Flickr
Great photos!

I love the second one where shiny cells on the petals are shown clearly!

You just grow it enclosed in a container? Those moss really add natural touch!
Thank you, all.

HP7, it is in a moderately sized "container"/growth chamber (about 3x dorm sized fridge). I like the live sphagnum moss on the left half, but the hard moss on the right with the stem (sporophyte: seta+capsule) is not too nice; it spread a lot and some small plants get buried..
I'd say it's subspecies cyperifolium. My plant is quite different. The leaves are 8 - 10 inches long, wider, flatter, and floppy. They hang down.

SO wonderful, both plants and photograph!

This Dendrobium-flower reminds me a bit of Crocus.
Yours looks very nice, TrueNorth! I would love to see the close-up of the lip A bigger photo would be a plus!

Angela, I'm not sure if it is fragrant, but I'll check. I'm using 20C (68F) day, 10C (50F) night, but I think other people grow it warmer.

Secun, you are right, this upright flower reminds me of Crocus. Indeed, I would love to grow Crocus in our zone-2 garden. I heard some people here can grow it, but I'm not sure if there is a cold hardy variety.
Here you go. I used the wrong link.



These are old pictures, taken in different years. The plant's not in flower at the moment so it's the best I can do.
It's a lovely flower. Is it fragrant? Temp. variables day and night?

Angela, I went to sniff it, and indeed it did have very nice, but faint smell. The flowers have been open for a long time (a couple months, I guess), so fresh flowers may be stronger smell, but I had to sniff really hard (my nose isn't too good).

Thanks, Mike. I'm leaning toward it. Now, I'm more curious about the pendulous, narrow leaf forms.

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