bog-trotting upstate ny day 1

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
Last weekend Ken Hull Jerry Pedini and I went out for two days looking at local native orchid wetlands in central ny. Ken and I went out to Eames Fen, a roadside scrape, Jam Bog, a wetland at the upper end of Dorchester Lake and a spot with rare plants next to the river in Otsiningo Park (home of the spiedie festival, starting aug. 1st). There were some large thunderstorms here and there that we managed to avoid but at the end we left Dorchester just as a big storm was heading our way! We managed to outrun that storm but it and two others collided over binghamton, ny. Lots of rain ensued for the rest of the day

some images are with my iphone which blasts out white and yellow and doesn't focus very well, so some pics are better than others


one-flowered cancer-root, a parasitic flowering plant that grows along the path to jam bog, has come up the last two years


cinnamon fern, in the wet area before the open bog area






first southern twayblade pic (orchid)


listera australis amongst pitcher plants


damselfly just below left of pitcher plant 'flower'


sundew! always beautiful in the sunlight


showy ladyslipper sprouts, no flower buds yet




shining ladies' tresses, spiranthes lucida





listera australis southern twayblade. some of our native orchids
have had their names changed (surprise) but I'm still using previous




while turning around out in the country to check out some wildflowers,
we saw this huge moth next to the road. we i.d.'ed it as a cecropia


pic of rare plant related to jack in the pulpit - green dragon

I had a few other rare plant pics near the green dragon, but they didn't turn out that well (it was raining, breezy and dark)

I will post another thread of day twos' pictures

The link below is a video I took with my phone of jam bog
You found showy Cyps.!!! Fandamntastic! Haven't seen a showy in situ
in years. I especially enjoyed the stand of ferns. Aren't they something
when seen in a large group? O.k. brave fellows, how many ticks did you
pick off when you got back to the car???? Looks like prime tick habitat
to me.
You found showy Cyps.!!! Fandamntastic! Haven't seen a showy in situ
in years. I especially enjoyed the stand of ferns. Aren't they something
when seen in a large group? O.k. brave fellows, how many ticks did you
pick off when you got back to the car???? Looks like prime tick habitat
to me.

Yes showies are very nice either by themselves or in large groups. That spot I we've been to quite a bit and they have declined there somewhat as they haven't cleared out the trees well enough in recent years (same thing in Nelson swamp). Yes cinnamon ferns are really nice and with regular camera hard to get picture of the whole thing. Phone camera handy for those wide-angle close ups
I usually don't find ticks, maybe because if too much water or soil chemistry of areas? I try to move things aside when I walk somewhat but places like Nelson swamp and other bogs I've never seen ticks
,,,,, but I have seen Mosquitos, and black flies, and deer flies .......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The ticks were not existent when I went w/ Charles. Please tell everyone I say, "hi."; and ask Ken the name of that big field guide book he has, thanks,
Only a couple of times have I seen S. purpurea so thick.
And orchids were growing side by side with them.

Nice finds Charles.
Was able to view vid on computer. My phone could not open file(but did download it).
Thanks for taking the time to show these.
A Jewish Voodoo Curse on deer flies! Damn things attack in squadrons in
the nursery fields...ouch and itch for weeks. I'm glad I got to enjoy the
bog stomping without the itches and swatting, brave men.
A Jewish Voodoo Curse on deer flies! Damn things attack in squadrons in
the nursery fields...ouch and itch for weeks. I'm glad I got to enjoy the
bog stomping without the itches and swatting, brave men.

all are welcome! angela, one way to get revenge on deerflies is to attach an upright yellow stickycard to your hat top; they will land on the highest point and be stuck

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