
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure
'Big Bob' x 'Colossal'

A bit blurry but rather nice form, I think.
Nice, but kind of "wonky" photo...:poke: It's funny the one I got in bloom from John CHant was about 3 times larger than the ones I got from you and the flowers were insane, easily as good as any I've seen on this site. I think they're MUTATIONS!!!!:eek:
Gorgeous!!! Love it Heather........Even a mediocre besseae beats most other phrags into the ground....I have a whole bunch spiking and blooming now (thanks again Lien!), and they never cease to amaze me...maybe smaller than most phrags, certainly smaller than the hybrids....but that sparkly vermilion just can't be beat...Take care, Eric
Good shape and form, and I bet it can bloom an even larger flower next time around.

I'm going to clear another bench and get 100 more next month :)
Spread's up to 8cm today. I'll try to get a less "wonky" photo but I have no natural sunlight at this time of year. I still think the form and color is very nice.

Please remember, my plants lived through a fairly serious thrip explosion last summer (bastards - I would not wish on anyone....well...almost anyone), so while my plants may have older growths that look like ****, the new growths are doing well, and all are blooming. I was really concerned there might be some color damage but so far so good.

Now, if only I wasn't allergic to the species. :rolleyes:
I just got besseae ('Bleeding Heart' x 'Colossal'). It is working on opening right now. My first phrag and so I am not certain what to expect exactly. The bud is pretty small and is rotated at about 90 degrees right now. I could post a pic of the expected flower color and shape if you like or we can all be surprised.

I vote surprise.
Heather said:
Spread's up to 8cm today. I'll try to get a less "wonky" photo but I have no natural sunlight at this time of year.

then you should move out of the basement.

Heather said:
Now, if only I wasn't allergic to the species. :rolleyes:

Well missy, Dr. Eric can help you with that problem. :)