another interesting cause to support!

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
Hello all,
My 'big' sister lives out in the wilds of wyoming and sent me a note about a historical preservation society that would like to raise money to preserve a really cool old ranch with a lot of history (in wyoming of course). I'll post the story so you can read, and would be great if you could support the cause!

(begin posted article)

Subject: Are you ready for a challenge?

Hello, you probably saw in the newspaper where we received a conservation easement on our ranch (Sommers Ranch, listed below). Albert and I decided to fix up the old house and give an easement to the museum for a living history museum, when the project is completed. We hope to work with both museums in the county. The first step is to restore the old house. Angie Boroff Thomas is in charge of the project. She found this money source. She said there were only 6000 votes for 100 projects so she felt we had a chance. Please click on the link at the bottom of the page. Once you get into the link do the following steps:

1) Click on the blue flag in Wyoming

2) Click on view web page

3) Fill in registration boxes with *

4) Click submit

5) Click on vote

Thanks for doing this and if you have any friends you can send it to so they can vote that would be great. Jonita Sommers

The Sublette County Historical society is participating in a national campaign to raise money for the preservation of the historic Sommers Ranch Homestead. “This Place Matters” is a photo-sharing campaign that was started by the Nation Trust for Historic Preservation in 2008 to help raise awareness for and celebrate many culturally diverse and unique communities across the United States.

The Sommers Homestead House was built in 1908 for Albert P. and May McAllister Sommers. The logs for the house were floated down the Green River because large logs were hard to haul by teams from the mountains. On November 7, 1910, Harry Atwood, a ranch hand, and his crew began to move the house to its present location with a team of six horses. It took a little over a week to move it a quarter of a mile by pulling it over logs. Mrs. Knott, the ranch cook, continued to cook in the house as it was moved. The homestead house was one of only a handful of one-and-one half story homestead houses built in the Green River Valley.

Our historic ranches provide information about the culture and technology of the past which can help us learn for the future. They are symbols of an agricultural heritage that can help show the value of that heritage. Historic rural buildings are important sources of information about how the community functioned and the society developed. The construction of ranch buildings is a reflection of the technology of its time, both in how it was built and the agricultural practices it was designed to accommodate.

The Sommers Homestead is important because it represent this idea. This homestead matters because it is a part of our common story, one of the ties that bind our history, culture and values together. It is a tangible link with our past. Although it is currently in a state of disrepair and it is old and neglected it has a rich history and if you really stop to look at the details and all the elements that make it distinct, it is beautiful. It tells a story that is both unique to Sublette County and at the same time is applicable to rural communities all over the country. We cannot forget that there are places that need to be preserved and protected because they embody our culture - both past and present - and below their exterior state of disrepair is value, and beauty, and a story worth telling.

This house represents the heritage of our county and together we can preserve it. Thanks for your interest in this place that matters so much to us.

Please pass the word to your friends, neighbors, family, coworkers, and/or anyone else who shares the same feelings about our historic places and share the passion, excitement, and enthusiasm that you have for these important locations. It is up to you to make sure our places that matter our recognized.

Please vote for our project during the National Trust For Historic Preservations "This Place Matters" Challenge. We could win $25,000 towards our preservation efforts!
Voting ends September 15th so please vote TODAY, just follow the link below!
Thank you!
Angie Thomas

Museum of the Mountain Man
PO Box 909
Pinedale, WY 82941
<mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]
What an interesting map -- so many great places that need to be kept for future generations to enjoy. And only one vote.:sob:

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