Another froggie(toad?) in the greenhouse

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This critter and her gang love to lay zillions of eggs in the rain barrels in the spring. I have to commit mass ovacide.

Gray Treefrog (not a toad in this case).

I have one I see periodically in mine too. And a couple of toads that have been fairly active recently.
If you have too many , please send them to me.We rarely see the gray treefrogs. Love those froggi and toads. My three toads keep the greenhouse almost pest free.
Robin, if you are reading this -- toad has already called dibs and is wintering in his very own toad stool! I put some NZSM in it to cozy it up.
Can you take the eggs out of the rain barrels and put them into a small pond or puddle somewhere? It's a shame to let all those potential tree frogs go to waste. Or at least cover the barrels with a screen to stop the frogs from going there?
Can you take the eggs out of the rain barrels and put them into a small pond or puddle somewhere? It's a shame to let all those potential tree frogs go to waste. Or at least cover the barrels with a screen to stop the frogs from going there?

I put some of them in the little creek right behind the greenhouse. The noise they make at night is almost deafening.
The grey treefrog is the main treefrog found in NY state....the other is the spring peeper. They are great...and breed in any ditch or puddle they can find. I used to scoop the tadpoles out of a plant nursey drainage ditch and let the froglets go in my garden....doubt that any of them made it.
thank you for sharing this with us...!! It is quite remarkable in colour...!!! :)
My frogs were out today

I tipped over a plant and found the treefrog, and for some reason the toad was just out and about today.

It was kind of chilly in the GH today, and after I picked him up it was hard to get him off my hand.

I haven't seen the toads climbing up on stuff before.