A flock of P. helenae album

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2009
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These Paphiopedilum helenae fm. aureum are out of my own breeding. They are the result of a two-step breeding prozess I started in September 2014. This prozess endet in many many colored helenae, but some are albine ones and these are offered here. Their grandparents are P. helenae fm. aureum ‘Lemon Elf‘ SM/D.O.G. and P. helenae ‘Charlie‘. Some of you may remember John's P. helenae 'Charlie', IMO the finest helenae ever.

Chris, this is absolutely fabulous. Kudos. 👌
...... This prozess endet in many many colored helenae, but some are albine ones and these are offered here. .....
What did you do with the coloured ones ? Do you still grow them ? If so, your growing area must be overcrowded by P. helenae ...
glad you didn’t join the orchids also Due to my health issues the last 2 years my orchids and yard were somewhat neglected. This year has been another story. Have been repotting all paphs and phrags (about 600 in total)and they are so happy seeing early buds so they are thanking me for taking better care of them
Chris, this is absolutely fabulous. Kudos. 👌

What did you do with the coloured ones ? Do you still grow them ? If so, your growing area must be overcrowded by P. helenae ...
Thank you Rudolf!
Yes, my growing space is overcrowded, but not because of the helenae. ;)
I killed all the colored ones each time I replated the flasks and by deflasking as well. So I reduced them to this little group.
These Paphiopedilum helenae fm. aureum are out of my own breeding. They are the result of a two-step breeding prozess I started in September 2014. This prozess endet in many many colored helenae, but some are albine ones and these are offered here. Their grandparents are P. helenae fm. aureum ‘Lemon Elf‘ SM/D.O.G. and P. helenae ‘Charlie‘. Some of you may remember John's P. helenae 'Charlie', IMO the finest helenae ever.

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