
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Theodoreorchidking

    Vandopsis lissochiloides

    This is my prize vandopsis orchid. It is huge but has not bloomed. I have seen some specimens that are absolutely giant. I love this plant and the leaves. I'm not sure if i have ever shown this plant but it is quite rare in hobbyist collections. I really want vandopsis gigantea and have been...
  2. A

    Ren. vietnamensis x Neo. falcata

    Got this little guy from Peter T. Lin of DiamondOrchids. It's nice to see the Vandas I have are managing the god awful heat here (upwards of 100 degrees Fahrenheit) fine as long as they're in enough shade and get watered well. It bloomed while I was away on vacation, so it was nice to come back...
  3. DrLeslieEe

    Catasetum and Vanda awards at Fairchild Gardens 2023 Florida Caribbean Judging Centre (A Sneak Peek)

    I attended an additional judging at the Fairchild Gardens for the FCJC two days after Redlands judging. These two beautiful Catasetums were awarded AM and CCM and a Vanda intergeneric an AM. Catasetum AA Orquideas ‘Eduardo Perez’ AM 81 points. Very dark burgundy, with the same approaching the...