
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum villosum var. fusco-roseum ‘Hung Sheng’ CHM/AOS

    This villosum got a Certificate of Horticultural Merit (CHM). This is done to put a record in the AOS awards to serve as a basis of comparison for this variety of villosum. I had hope for an AM but such is life 😂.
  2. DrLeslieEe

    Paphiopedilum villosum var. fusco-roseum ‘Hung Sheng’ BM/TPS

    Just opened about 2 days. Pretty good red dorsal. A division I got in spring of 2021, blooming for the first time since arrival. NS 9.5 cm, DS 5.5 cm wide. Culture: Warm wet summers, slightly dryer, cooler winters. Bright light 2500 fc.