
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Cach26

    Difficulties in growing Kovachii (Stagnant growth)

    Difficulties in growing Kovachii Hello everyone, Happy Growing In this Thread I specify my cultivation in detail. But to summarize a little, these are my weather conditions. Day...
  2. Cach26

    Brown spot on stem of Phrag Kovachii

    Hi all, I have been growing this Kovachi for 4 months now, I have never grown a species (other than the common Longifolium XD), I am a bit worried about those brown spots. Any advice? Or am I worrying too much? The roots are firm and still growing
  3. Malipoense

    Johnston IA Orchid Show/Speakers Day

    I was down in Iowa for the orchid show and get some various orchids and got to see Alan Koch from Gold Country Orchids and Fred Clarke from SVO do talks on growing orchids and species that are easy to care. Orchid judging was also done. Quite a bit orchids were passed on judging, but a few got...