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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Jmoney

    Orchids 2024

    very nice, I love stonei. I got a plant of 'TN-Queen' BM/TPS x 'TN-Prince' SM/TPS that bloomed last summer. I had another stonei in bloom at the same time; this Taiwanese plant had very slightly smaller flowers with better color. This plant was definitely more compact though. I can't take...
  2. Jmoney

    For Sale cattleya backbulbs listing 7/2024

    Backbulb divisions list 7/2024. All are original divisions, no mericlones. I have bloomed most of these although I have forgotten to take pics for some. All flower photos attached to this thread are from these exact plants. I have estimated time to BS based on my conditions; your results may...
  3. Jmoney

    anyone interested in a backbulb exchange thread?

    I'm going to post a list on the for sale page, since I guess that's a more appropriate home for a sales list?
  4. Jmoney

    Cattleya Bob Betts awards and cultivars

    I am 100% with you although it is a difficult, frustrating, and ultimately perhaps futile thing to try to keep a room virus free. (not to mention all the other 'secondary' viruses that may be lurking out there). In general the cattleya growers care about virus a lot more. Phal growers...
  5. Jmoney

    Cattleya Nancy Off 'Linwood' AM/AOS

    Under my LED lights the plants tend to get confused and bloom whenever they want. I just had an anceps lineata finish blooming. The hybrids tend to do what they want, with most blooming every 8-10 months, although most of the catt species keep their annual cycle. Just usually a month or two...
  6. Jmoney

    anyone interested in a backbulb exchange thread?

    ok thanks for the input! I have like 6 or 10 divisions, most of which are small, so I'll get a listing together. Will need some patience to grow them to BS, but it'll be a good way to get some quality original cultivars for cheap...
  7. Jmoney

    Cattleya Bob Betts awards and cultivars

    I also think nobody seems to care, one might think that a stem prop running 100-150 or so might be handled more scrupuously, but one would seem to be mistaken! I have had 1 phrag test positive for ORSV (one of the "sedenii wilcox" aka Cardinale), and like 3 or 4 paphs. Most of the paphs were...
  8. Jmoney

    For Sale Housekeeping

    conveniently enough I was about an hour away for a wedding, and was able to swing by. wonderful plants, super interesting things! I was severely limited by 1. lack of bench space but mostly by 2. need to pack them into carry on luggage, so only got a few things... besseae flavum in bloom Paph...
  9. Jmoney

    anyone interested in a backbulb exchange thread?

    So I know a bunch of people here grow 'heirloom' cattleyas. I have a bench full of them and am constantly pulling off (usually) viable backbulbs. I pot them up and sometimes give them to orchid friends, sometimes try to sell on ebay, but I find that without a "reputation" ebay is barely worth my...
  10. Jmoney

    Cattleya Bob Betts awards and cultivars

    I have to say I consider myself fairly paranoid when it comes to virus. Everything in the door gets tested. I do think it is reliable to batch test via Agdia, the extra tissue has never given me a false positive. Of course that doesn't rule out false negatives, or the dozen or two "other"...
  11. Jmoney

    Cattleya Bob Betts awards and cultivars

    I wandered into heirloom catts relatively recently, and only got a handful of plants from Plato. Only one was virused (with ORSV, which he refunded). The 'Honolulu' was a back division I got from Plato the year before he passed, and is clean (to clarify, it has tested Agdia negative a couple...
  12. Jmoney

    Cattleya Bob Betts awards and cultivars

    I have a pic of an "ok" Honolulu blooming. I bloomed Gravesiana last year but it was a bit wonky. maybe the next growth will be better.
  13. Jmoney

    Paph. Gloria Naugle - NOT! (Magic Lantern)

    hard for a large grower not to have some label issues from time to time, just how often and what they do if you bring it to their attention... (I apply that same thought process towards virused plants from commercial growers - although I ask ahead of time now)
  14. Jmoney

    Cattleya Bob Betts awards and cultivars

    great thread, just came across it! I have 'Liberty Hill' and 'The Virgin'. I also have (I believe) the parents of the original Bob Betts cross, Bow Bells 'Honolulu' and "mossiae" aka Gravesiana 'Snow Queen' in case anyone wants to grow their very own BB seedlings...
  15. Jmoney

    large-flowered Brazilian cattleyas (laelias)

    wow that is an amazing specimen! Hopefully I can keep mine undisturbed for a couple years, and see if we can't get some more flowers. I'm counting I think 6 on each of the two larger spikes?
  16. Jmoney

    large-flowered Brazilian cattleyas (laelias)

    I know this is a slipper forum but the best flowers lately in the greenhouse have been non-pouched much as I would like a whole bench dedicated to these showy species, there is room for only these. They all bloomed this year though! I credit the LED light primarily. In order...
  17. Jmoney

    Wanted Chunky sponge rocks and charcoals source

    I looked up the archives, it was "mother earth perlite", 4 cu ft each, but it says unavailable now. there's a lot of other options on amazon but I don't know the vendors or products. Not sure sponge rock varies that much though, as long as it's the correct size. Personally I really like...
  18. Jmoney

    Cattleya Nancy Off 'Linwood' AM/AOS

    certainly that is true. however I have this under LED and it gets extremely bright light. bright enough that some of my cattleyas got "burnt" when I moved them, despite what I thought was proper calibration. full sun will completely BURN standard cattleyas, whether it is Florida, or the...
  19. Jmoney

    Wanted Chunky sponge rocks and charcoals source

    a while ago I got huge bags of #3 and #4 sponge rock via amazon. maybe not a lifetime supply, if I'm lucky, but definitely a 5-10 year supply.
  20. Jmoney

    Cattleya Nancy Off 'Linwood' AM/AOS

    I have it under fairly high light but the bulbs are upright and tidy. nothing like Norman's Bay, hah.