anyone interested in a backbulb exchange thread?

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Jun 7, 2006
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So I know a bunch of people here grow 'heirloom' cattleyas. I have a bench full of them and am constantly pulling off (usually) viable backbulbs. I pot them up and sometimes give them to orchid friends, sometimes try to sell on ebay, but I find that without a "reputation" ebay is barely worth my time to list and ship...

Just wondering if there any interest here from the collectors with regards to trading or selling the back pieces...some of these cultivars may be more rare than others but often there is some rich history or unique backstory you don't get with the newer cattleyas.
Well, there's a few of the heritage cattleyas I'd be interested in giving space to.. I'd probably need to trade money for plants, however...
ok thanks for the input! I have like 6 or 10 divisions, most of which are small, so I'll get a listing together. Will need some patience to grow them to BS, but it'll be a good way to get some quality original cultivars for cheap...
I am also interested and may have a couple available to trade/sell as well!

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