Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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    • Q
      can a paph plant grow a second flower spike after the first flower spike dies, or will the paph never flower again? i have a paph...
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      qcia13 replied to the thread Paph bud.
      the paph flower spike is all brown now, but, i see something green inside the flower sheath? what is this green growth, and should i...
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      qcia13 replied to the thread Paph bud.
      thx for the suggestions! since the flower bud is dead, should i cut off the flower spike at the base, or leave it and let it dry out...
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      qcia13 replied to the thread Paph bud.
      no, the clip didn't crush the flower spike. crud, was following the seller's instructions on misting the bud. in the future, i...
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      qcia13 posted the thread Paph bud in Paphiopedilum.
      my paph bud was green last week, then all of a sudden, it turned brown today. been watering it twice a week and misting the bud every...
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    • Q
      qcia13 replied to the thread Wilting and bleached leaves help.
      i have the paph glaucophyllum and mini phal bellina coerulea
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      qcia13 replied to the thread Wilting and bleached leaves help.
      rec'd the mini phals and paph a couple of weeks ago with the roots packed with spagh moss. i left the orchids in the moss and just...
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      hi, recently got a couple of mini phals and the leaves are wilting. any recommendations on how to perk up the leaves? also, got a...
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      qcia13 replied to the thread Hello from the Bay Area CA (SJ).
      if you live in the SJ bay area (CA), interested in trading orchids? i have a mini catt to trade and am looking for a phal bettina...
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      hello from the CA bay area! beginner, have mostly catt, onc, cymb & dend orchids. looking for a fragrant paph & a phal bellina coerule.
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      qcia13 replied to the thread Ansellia africana.
      Where do the flower spikes grow from on these orchids, the bottom of the pseudobulbs?
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