Paphiopedilum purpuratum season!

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Nov 15, 2017
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As I say every chance I get, this is my favorite species. I first read about it in Dr. Koopowitz’ PLANT EXTINCTION: A GLOBAL CRISIS, in the 90s. It seemed very hard to find for sale at that time. The story of how untold numbers were ripped from Hong Kong habitat, in bloom, to be sunk into fish aquaria as decorations broke my heart — and then my Dad showed me photos of his boyhood tanks with this orchid slowly drowning in them. “They cost a whole quarter each.” Sigh. The twinning clone is from Terry Partin. This is the plant that has done some really weird stuff in the past; grotesque half flowers, dorsal as laterals, a double-stem situation, one bloom was a huge, low-stemmed flower that was just very troll-like, rough looking. But these twins were worth waiting for! The singleton is from an eBay auction where no one bid. Twins definitely need repotting and please excuse the dust, I just had a hernia fixed and these photos are basically my first time outta bed.


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Brucher, first of all best wishes for a speedy recovery !
Yeah, it seems to be P. purpuratum season. Mine which lives across the great pond is in flower, too. But back to your plants....these all are really lovely flowers and well grown plants. 👌 Nice to read your stories of the plants......but there are really no excuses to the dust in your house/flat. Lol
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Congratulations on the wonderful twin flowering, Brucher. Gorgeous flowers all! 😍

Your story, and the flowers by example, might serve as an edifying tale to those who readily dispose of a plant, that have disappointed them, after just one or maybe two flowerings. Your patience was certainly justified and rewarded accordingly!

The part about the plants and the fish tanks, though, left my soul irreparably scared. I pray, that you, next time you are sharing equally traumatizing content, in advance put forward an appropriate warning for us sensitives! 😇
Congratulations on the wonderful twin flowering, Brucher. Gorgeous flowers all! 😍

Your story, and the flowers by example, might serve as an edifying tale to those who readily dispose of a plant, that have disappointed them, after just one or maybe two flowerings. Your patience was certainly justified and rewarded accordingly!

The part about the plants and the fish tanks, though, left my soul irreparably scared. I pray, that you, next time you are sharing equally traumatizing content, in advance put forward an appropriate warning for us sensitives! 😇
I am sorry! Believe me, it hurts me too. I’m excited to grow out at least one flask from my half-alba pod and (hopefully) keep both a couple albas and lots more typicals! I can never get enough of these.
I Wish I had one in my humble collection! And speedy recovery, hernia can be quite unpleasant as you use your diaphram with every movement of the body including breathing.

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