Phrag QF Maria.

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Pretty. The QFs seem to be big in the phrag genetics now. The one's that I have are bushy and have nice big flowers.
mine is very much a regulated has a sequence of leaf production lasting about a year and 1/2, flowering sequentially,with no more than 2 flowers on the stalk at any time.This year it has produced 5 flowers since initiation of the inflorescence in March, and today May30, it is in bud,and forming another.The stalk just grows higher,and forms a new bud from the last bract. Currently 19 inches of stalk, growing in a south facing exposure, in a tray,so 12 hours of sun.
it opened yesterday,now a 22 inch stem,and another bud just forming
lots of roots popping through the bottom of the pot in the tray.Not a huge flower,about 85 mm across,deep red.
Do you know if there is a dwarf form of QF Maria, foliage less than a foot tall? Or do these dwarf form will resume full size in few years. I have 3 of them vary in sizes


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mine is still flowering,showing a new bud after shedding the last petals and staminode . The stem is quite stiff,almost looking like a wire,while the plant is just 6 inches high,and a foot across even though the stem is so tall.
as of the 23 March 2024, My QF Maria has had 10 blossoms since Feb3,with another 2 on the way.The only con is, the max number of flowers at one time is 4..The stalks(2) reach for the sky..2 ft tall,but very sturdy.Leaves start to change and drop after bloom (1 leaf per blossom) and a new leaf grows
as of the 23 March 2024, My QF Maria has had 10 blossoms since Feb3,with another 2 on the way.The only con is, the max number of flowers at one time is 4..The stalks(2) reach for the sky..2 ft tall,but very sturdy.Leaves start to change and drop after bloom (1 leaf per blossom) and a new leaf grows
Did you know if you drop your temp to cool the bloom last upto 17 days n 45 days for the long petals type
think of it like french iris,or ditch daylily...almost same leaf form,just slightly smaller.Even today, 4 flowers at the apex of the 24 inch stem,2 months since initiating stem growth.and flowering Feb6