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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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    Vanda coerulea supra

    I'm not familiar with this variety, could you explain what is different from the regular coerulea? Cheers, Math
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    Round fungus spots attacking my Paphs. If some of you have insights on a durable solution.

    In Peru, there is an enterprise commercializing biological control probiotic. I might try these products: - Bio-Splent 70 WP -> Bacillus subtilis AP-01 ( - Tricox -> Trichoderma koningii, Trichoderma harzianum...
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    Round fungus spots attacking my Paphs. If some of you have insights on a durable solution.

    So far, I have not had much luck with the fungicides I used. However, the link @richgarrison provided have recommendations for molecules to use against anthracnose.
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    Round fungus spots attacking my Paphs. If some of you have insights on a durable solution.

    It does look like anthracnose! I will try to get my hand on the the suggested fungicides. Many thanks!!!
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    Round fungus spots attacking my Paphs. If some of you have insights on a durable solution.

    I still have hope one fellow ST members who previously encountered this pathogen , and who got to the bottom of things with it, will chime in. @awesomei are you also growing your plants in the tropics?
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    Brassia Datacosa 'Coos Bay' AM/AOS

    Can I get in line for the next division? :D
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    Round fungus spots attacking my Paphs. If some of you have insights on a durable solution.

    I wonder if some preventive probiotic treatments (Bacillus or Trichoderma) would be a solution here.
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    Brassia Datacosa 'Coos Bay' AM/AOS

    If flasks are available at some points, I would very be interested. I can pick them up in the USA.
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    Round fungus spots attacking my Paphs. If some of you have insights on a durable solution.

    Same here, side by side are affected plants with perfectly fine ones
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    Round fungus spots attacking my Paphs. If some of you have insights on a durable solution.

    I have a sangre de grado tree in Tarapoto I could use to collect the sap. However, I would very be interested in identifying this pathogen and learn about ways to prevent it. I use both city treated tap water and the water I collect from the mountain creek next to my greenhouse. The problem...
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    Paphiopedilum Michael Koopowitz

    This is a plant I received as a single growth 2 years ago. It was then a well established plants about with a leaf span of about 20/25cm. It grew extremely quickly for me and rewarded me, a few weeks ago, with 3 very nice flowers. Looking closely at it, I found the flowers are not as dark, and...
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    Round fungus spots attacking my Paphs. If some of you have insights on a durable solution.

    Hi everyone, for the last two years, I've been struggling with what appears to be a fungus attacking the leaves of my Paphiopedilums. I live in the French Guiana Amazon and the climate is very humid! I grow all orchids under a 50% shade house and my shade house is quite ventilated. However, each...
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    Hello from Montreal

    Welcome, I grew up in Montreal and my whole family still live there! I now live in French Guiana. Math
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    Mini Multi-Florals?

    I saw it too and found it amazing!!! Do you know which nursery sell this cross in EU? Cheers
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    What are the Cattleya I can grow in the Amazon

    So far so good with the lueddemania. This plant was purchased as a seedling about 2 1/2 years ago!
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    Selenipedium palmifolium in flower

    Hi everyone, so the thing is I live in French Guiana and this plant is endemic to the Guiana plateau. Basically it grows naturally here. Yet it still is a rare plants and few have found one (when not in flower, they are nearly impossible to see in the middle of the dense vegetation). This plant...
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    Selenipedium palmifolium in flower

    Much more cute and amazing than I initially expected! This is a native from French Guiana! The whole plant is very elegant. Enjoy
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    Paphiopedilum tranlienianum 'Ree-Yees' AM/AOS

    Amazing! How long does your bloom last usually? I have one that bloom every year but my flowers don't last more than 7-10 days. Most likely due to warm and humid weather. Again! Congratulation
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    Paphiopedilum Phillip's Song

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    I would really need help with my fertilizer mix!

    Merci Xavier pour ton retour. It appear I still have a lot to learn! Growing orchids in an amazonian climate, next to primary forest, has proved to be both challenging but also very interesting and rewarding! I just checked my fertilizer bag and I was lucky the label hadn't disappeared yet! Here...