Holger Perner at PA, New England, & NY Orchid Societies 10/2013

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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Boston, MA
Holger Perner of Hengduan Mountains Biotechnology will be speaking at the following orchid societies and events:

10/05-10/06/2013 Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania
10/07/2013 Nutmeg State OS
10/08/2013 Massachusetts OS
10/09/2013 Connecticut OS
10/12/2013 New Hampshire OS
10/13/2013 Cape and Islands OS
10/14/2013 Maine OS
10/16/2013 Greater New York OS

He will not be bringing plants, but will accept preorders until September 20th which will be mailed out from the States. You can download the list here:http://massorchid.org/Resources/Documents/Orchid-List%20USA%20Autumn%202013.pdf which includes ordering information.
He will also be at the Mid-America Orchid Conference in Dayton in October, selling plants (also with pre-orders).
He will also be at the Mid-America Orchid Conference in Dayton in October, selling plants (also with pre-orders).
Thank you, Dot, I meant to include that. It's because of Holger speaking at Phipps and then the Mid-America Orchid Congress that he was able to do the orchid society tour.

Also, you don't need to attend any of these talks to order plants. :) So, what will you all be getting? Paph helenae, Hengduan Grace Helen, and Neofinetia richardsiana will soon be living with me. I blame Glen Decker for making me fall in love with helenae. He had a gorgeous v. album in his display at last year's Mass OS show and none for sale.
Also, you don't need to attend any of these talks to order plants. :) So, what will you all be getting? Paph helenae, Hengduan Grace Helen, and Neofinetia richardsiana will soon be living with me. I blame Glen Decker for making me fall in love with helenae. He had a gorgeous v. album in his display at last year's Mass OS show and none for sale.

Glen Decker in the past has sold at the Paph Forum. I presume he'll be there again next year (Feb 2014).