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Woodstream Orchids Winter Listing 2015-2016

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Aug 18, 2011
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Washington DC, USA
I got the below email/info from Woodstream last night. Probably got the email since I've gone to the Paph Forum. Thought I'd pass this on (will submit as several posts. If this is not appropriate, apologies and please delete; I can not post this in the vendor section as I'm not a vendor):


Greeting Orchid Friend,

We receive many requests for a catalog so we are trying something new. The attached plant and flask lists are representative of the dynamic nature of the plants we have available for sale. Many are one of a kind, while others are in significant quantities. There are some truly great select Paph and Phrag divisions listed. We hope you enjoy looking through these lists. There is still time to order before the Holidays and provide a treat for someone special or yourself.

Zane has a separate list of his soft-epiphytic cacti and other orchid companion plants. We are growing over 100 different species of these amazing jungle cacti. Please email us and he will send his list.

Upcoming Events:

January 23-24, 2016 Saturday and Sunday 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Peak of the Blooming Season Open House at Woodstream Orchids. Plant sale, food, door prizes, orchid dog, and fun.

February 7, 2016 Sunday, National Capital Orchid Society Auction at Behnke’s Nursery, Laurel, MD
February 13, 2016 Saturday, The Paphiopedilum Forum Speakers’ Day at the National Arboretum (pre-registration required)
· Speakers:
o Dr. Olaf Gruss, Germany - “The New Paphiopedilum Species”
o Hadley Cash, Marriott Orchids, North Carolina – “ Amazing New Paphiopedilum Hybrids”
o David Sorokowsky, Paph Paradise – Multiflora Paphiopedlium Hybrids”
o AOS Slipper Award Slides from 2015
· Gourmet Box Lunch
· Plant Sales

March Maryland Orchid Society Show Timonium Fair Grounds

March 17-20, 2016 Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania Show, Phipps Garden Center, Pittsburgh, PA

March Southeastern Pennsylvania Orchid Society Show

We hope to see you at one or more of these events. Looks like a great blooming season for our orchids.

Best wishes for the Holidays!

Bill, Lynn, Zane (Soft-Cactus Boy), and Spicepup
Email from Woodstream (interesting they bought Krull-Smith collection):

Dear Orchid friend,

Best wishes for the New Year.

2015 ended with a bang. Woodstream Orchids traveled to Florida in December and purchased the Krull-Smith Phragmipedium Collection from June’s Orchid Estate. After a 1,000 mile drive in a 16 foot box truck (in one day, Tampa, FL to our nursery in Southern Maryland) we are still evaluating the purchase of hundreds of seedlings and divisions, many originating from the Eric Young Orchid Foundation on the Isle of Jersey and some of the best of The Orchid Zone in California, as well as HP Norton, Windy Hill… The attached list includes Phrag seedlings and divisions from Florida, as well as new flasks offerings.

For those of you in the area, please come to our Open House and Sale Saturday and Sunday, January 23-24, 2016. You will not believe the changes to our nursery, including terrific epiphytic cacti from Zane Goldner (age 6) and our new golden retriever puppy Sir Leonardo of Woodstream (age 8 weeks) who will steal anyone’s heart (and sandwich if you are careless).

Also coming up is a special Paphiopedilum Forum Saturday February 13, 2016 at the US National Arboretum in Washington DC. All the information you will need is on the National Capital Orchid Society web site at ncos.us, and pre-registration is required. We are currently updating the registration form and it should be available within the next week or so.

This year’s Paph Forum Speakers are: Dr. Olaf Gruss, Germany “News of the Slipper Orchids”; Hadley Cash, Marriott Orchids, North Carolina “New Complex and Novelty Paph Hybrids from Marriott” ; David Sorokowsky, Paph Paradise, CA “ Incredible New Maudiae-type Paph Breeding”; and a culture panel. If you are not a NCOS member, registration is $50 and includes a gourmet box lunch, the speakers and culture panel, 200+ Paphs, Phrags, and Cyps in flower on display for ribbon and AOS judging, the Slipper Orchid Alliance Peoples’ Choice award and trophy, silent auction, and of course orchid sales!

For those of you who are not in the immediate area, Woodstream is offering a 20% discount on purchases over $100 on orders received between January 20th to 28th.

We look forward to an outstanding 2016. Remember we are always happy to bring pre-orders to shows, and just maybe we will see you at our Open House.

All the Best.

Bill, Lynn, Zane, Nancy, Karen, Vickie, Tony, Spicepup, and Leo.

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