Tolumnia henekenii The "Bee Oncidium"

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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The flower of this Tolumnia resembles a fuzzy bee! It even has a head, legs and wings!



:drool::drool: WAY TOO COOOL!! :smitten:
It use to be classified Oncidium henekenii, I believe.
The baptistonia might get some company!
I saw one of these years ago, and haven't seen one since. Wonder why it's not more widely grown? Is it harder to grow and bloom than other Tolumnias?
This species isn't commonly grown these days, and it is one of the foundations of Tolumnia hybridizing along with triquetra and pulchella. They have come a long way since Moir's trailblazing efforts.
This is fantastic!!! I love it and I really want one :drool:...!!! (Maybe in my Resembles Ophrys for sure!! It definately needs haircut though...:p
eeekkk! I think it actually looks more like a bee than orchys!
This one I'll just appreciate the "uniqueness" with a picture. This one will go on my "do not get" list.. :p lol~ :rollhappy:
I was tempted .... I did some searching ....
henekenii comes from arid regions of Dominican Republic & is often seen growing on cactus, some years the only moisture is from dew.
Sounds like it should be easy but then there were posts on a forum that indicated it's really hard to grow ... very susceptible to the slightest rot, high temps, high light (no surprises), high humidity (surprise!).
Good luck Eric - keep us posted!