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New Member
Jul 18, 2023
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I started my orchid hobby about 2yrs ago. I have always like the shape of slipper flower mainly because of the pouch. I then found out that they are hard to grow and can't be neglected. I bought a P. spicerianum about 6mos ago with flower on it. It has been a challenge for the to keep this one happy. I can grow Cattleya ok but not these slippers. I hope to improve my understanding of these plants and expand my collection. Thanks.
Welcome, Henry.

Orchids are all "goldilocks", wanting conditions that are "just right". Paphs and catts need entirely different culture.

Many paphs, for example, live with their root systems extending broadly in that interface between the forest floor and the leaf litter. There, they stay constantly moist and airy, rarely drying out of getting flooded for extended periods of time. If you can mimic that, you ought to do fine.

Growong on the forest floor, they also don't get nearly the light that a cattleya might, high up in trees.
Welcome! Each person’s growing conditions are different. I find if I keep mine too moist, I rot roots. I grow Paphs and catts under lights in same environment. Summer 84/72, winter 70/62. Catts are under either 2 or 3 5,000k LED tubes, 250-350 PAR and Paphs are under 1 tube 75-100 PAR. My mix is Orchiata, charcoal, larger perlite and pretty open and I let the top ¾-1” dry between watering. A 4-5” pot is in the Power/Power+ sized mix and I put a few holes in the sides of the pots toward the bottom for air. They demand repotting every 2 years max or start to decline. But as I said, as many as reply, will have different conditions and different culture to one degree or another. You’ll find your stride in your conditions.