Some pics from Hurricane Ike

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Jon in SW Ohio

Reefer, the legal kind
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Springboro, Ohio
I've been down in Houston since Sunday to do some clean up work after Ike's destruction. Houston itself isn't too horrible, mostly broken windows, flooding, and widespread power outages. The island off Houston named Galveston got the worst of it. Most of the pics below are from the drive to Galveston and downtown Galveston itself. I'm kind of short on time, so can't go on a long winded essay on the situation right now, but if you have any questions please ask away.

On a sad side note, power in my area of Ohio went out the day after we left and is still not on. A phone call to my mom who is the caretaker of my saltwater reef tank last night didn't sound too promising. I asked her to check the temperature and while checking it and saying it's down to 64 she mentioned it's also getting cloudy and starting to smell bad :( I'm guessing when I get home in a couple weeks the tank will be a total loss and I'm not sure I'm gonna have it in me to start over.

The line for gas



Every billboard looks like one of these two


Boats didn't fair so well...


The highway to Galveston

Galveston now that it's a ghost town



Thanx for posting. The water situation in Galveston doesn't look too bad. However, when that dried sediments gets blown around it's going to be a dusty mess. Hopefully the outflows from the storm drains are clear and the sediment can be washed away. Good Luck and tell your mom to give the salt water tanks some body heat and put blankets around them. [Oh yeah, I forgot to mention battery powered bubblers w/ airstones]
Yikes, that tree is so large yet it is pulled up...

Sorry to hear about your tank. Maybe your zoanthids will still be alive hopefully. I bought some off eBay once and the zoanthids came in cold, though they still live, hard to kill these guys.
There is threads going on at about Ike too. Some ppl pouring water and using airstones to keep their tanks aerated and water moving.
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I guess I should also mention, we were in the part of Galvaston Island that only got water damaged...we couldn't make it to the part that didn't have a sea wall barrier. That area used to be full of beach houses...and now it's a giant beach with scattered debris.
I guess I should also mention, we were in the part of Galvaston Island that only got water damaged...we couldn't make it to the part that didn't have a sea wall barrier. That area used to be full of beach houses...and now it's a giant beach with scattered debris.

I saw satellite pics of before and after..yep, it's gone, but that's the BIG risk you take living that near the ocean . There ain't no guarantees against Mother Nature and her fury.
I saw satellite pics of before and after..yep, it's gone, but that's the BIG risk you take living that near the ocean . There ain't no guarantees against Mother Nature and her fury.

I agree & Galveston has been wiped out before. 7 feet above sea level & common sense says 'let's build there'!
Thanks for the shots Jon. I'm sorry to hear about your reef tank and all the precious treasures in a precarious state. Let's hope for the best.

Your photos kind of remind me of the damage after Andrew hit the South Miami area in '92. I went down two weeks after the storm and was amazed at the damage - the entire place looked like one continuous landfill - no trees standing at all, dead animal smells everywhere, and not a bill board to be seen. What a mess. I hope those folks can get back on their feet again soon.

Damage on Galveston Island indeed varied. Check out how the town of Gilchrist was completely destroyed. Living on a barrier island ain't the safest thing to be sure. Here in Japan people purposely live away from the coastlines as much as possible due to the typhoons (the logical approach). As I write this a small tropical storm is hitting Kyushu...

Those gas lines remind me of the ones back in '73 during the oil embargo. I'll never forget my dad yelling about highway robbery once we got to the pump, "WHAT! $2 A GALLON! HIGHWAY ROBBERY!"

Jon, it's very good of you to go and lend a hand.

I sure hope your reef will be OK. Such a beautiful work of nature -- and a man, I really hope it can be saved.
I'll have to round up some pics of the tree damage from around here (Dayton). There are downed trees like the one in your pic all over the place. Ive never seen anything like it. Every street, every neighborhood, city wide. Its crazy. Semis were blown over, siding and roof damage to many homes and buildings. The power was out for three days. Some areas are still out and may be another couple days. They are saying we actually received a Category 1 version of Ikes remnants. That combined with a warm front hitting a cold front dropping high winds from several thousand feet up, created seriously high wind gusts. 60+ mph area wide, with 75-84 mph recorded highs. I couldnt imagine being on the coast, experiencing the real thing.
I had no idea (though I followed the Ike news) that Ohio was hit so badly. When Jon said they had no power I wondered if it was some other reason. Apparently not.

Jon, I'm really sad to hear about your tank. Keep us updated. I hope some of your babies can be salvaged and that you won't have to start over. That's really heartbreaking, I'm sure.

Interesting photos. I don't remember the gas lines in '73 (as I was only two) but I've heard a lot of stories about them. $2.00....I could go for that right about now!

Tom, stay safe in that storm!
I didn't know Ohio was hit so hard either. We had a couple of tornados in Michigan, but damage was minimal as far as I know. Around here, we just had a lot of rain, but very little wind.
Sorry Ike got to your reef tank. Who would of thought he would be so mean. Also, thanks for the PICs of Galveston. I lived there for 10 years from 80-89 and went through Alicia in 83, a cat 3 storm, nothing like Ike. I now live 32 miles up I45 in Pearland. If you're still in the area and have some down time give me a call, 713-530-1048. I'm still without power but my wife and I would enjoy another Ohioian ( I was born and raised in Zanesville).
Other Orchid people in my area were not as blessed as my family and I where. Some lost their homes and other with severely damage. Anita Aldrich in peculiar, some of you may know her, lived on the island. I have not hear on her situation. She is a long time AOS member severing on a number of committees for the AOS. She has also done a lot for the hybridization of the equtaunt onc. group. She introduced me to orchids.
Sounds good, I'll let you know when things settle down for us. We're staying about 5 miles north of the outer loop on I45, but will be traveling all around the Houston area during the next couple weeks. Seems like every day more and more areas are getting power back so hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer.

There was a post put out asking about Anita yesterday on the OGD I think.

I didn't realize you were down there and I neglected to post a shout out for people in the area last week - my apologies - I really try to do that when anything like this occurs. I'm glad to hear you are safe but would like an update when you get power back! It must be difficult to deal with that for so long.

Take care, and let us know if there's anything we can do that could help!

Thanks Heather,
With no power I can't post PIC's but when I do get the juice! (sometime after Mon) I'll show how a greehouse takes on a tree and looses!!
PS. all plants are safe, I moved them into the garage again like the last storm that threaten us.
:sob: I'd hate to think about replacing my GH. Not many have a chance against a hurricane, luck of the draw, unfortunately. It could always be worse, better that, then house & family! Prayers & thoughts are with you!