Slippertalk Judging & Awards Proposal

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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John Boy

Hiya Folks,
I’d like to find out your opinion!

I have a feeling that it is about time we (Slippertalkers) create our own little “Best Off”, or call it “Judging Corner”.
I can’t see a reason for not having one. We have outrageously beautiful plants here on a daily basis, we have people with nothing but orchids filling their heads 24/7 (I’m happy to be the first one to admitting to it), and every once in a while, we’re shown true greatness, which (just to pick a case) will not always be presented to a judging for practical reasons. I have thought about this proposal a lot. It would probably mean further work and effort for someone. I’ll be happy to carry some of the work, if I get people to guide me as well as carry some of the work involved. Would it be worth it? To be frank: I don’t think we have a choice. It’s too important, to preserve what we’re taking for granted on a daily basis.

I have a strong feeling that Slippertalk can easily help overcoming these geographical or even personal obstacles of getting a plant judged in the traditional sense of the meaning. Slippertalk, as far as I’m concerned is the ultimate source for Paphiopedilum Know How on this plant. Slippertalk has become a corner stone, like it or not.

Shouldn’t we have a system in place to recognise totally outstanding achievements ourselves?

I’m perfectly fine with the AOS judging system, or would grant any professional society worldwide to do their work properly, but the Internet has come to a point, where we as a Forum can fill the gaps that some people might face, when it comes to physically show up at a judging centre. Some folks might even oppose the idea as such. Even these people could benefit from what we, stepping in with our combined knowledge can do for the benefit of a greater good, which ultimately would not only be a vain or folly line of showing off some random plants, but expose the ultimately possible achievement, for others to set a standard, as well as for future breeders to see what’s out there.

I propose a judging system right here within Slippertalk.

Who is qualified? We all are! (Strength in numbers!!!)

Should it be limited to Slipper Orchids only? You tell me! Show me a 12 flowered Cattleya dowiana, and I guess we all know the answer!

Should it be proper judging, which in the case of a “just a photo” would be difficult, or should it just recognise greatness? You tell me!

How would you go about a scoring system? 30 Slippertalkers saying a plant should be given a FCC/Slippertalk? 50 People recommending a plant for a CCM? You tell me what you feel would make sense, as well as what’s needed for an international impact!

Should we make an effort to further promote these outstanding plants? By all means, you tell me what you think!

I don’t know much, but I know this much:

There have been so many outstanding cultural achievements presented in this forum, that it’s time to take things to a next level.

What I’d love to achieve here is a collection of aspects you consider important. In your opinion: Is it worth pushing something like this uphill? My basis for this request for the time being is Davids outstanding!!! Paph. dianthum which I’ve saved as Paph. dianthum “Try This”, though it’s for David to give that plant a cultivar. It’s basically just: what kicked me off!

Thanks John.

I really like the idea of a SlipperTalk "Hall of Fame" where the very best plants as judged by the forum members, are recognised. Many wonderful plants get posted. However these exceptional plants maybe up for a week or so never to be seen again. The very best should be more easily and readily seen. It would also be great for new members to see some of the wonderful plants they may have missed in the past. I think a "Hall of Fame" is a great promotion for Slippertalk in general showcasing the best of our forum. It would also obviously be a thrill to the member involved having their plant recognised by their peers.

Whether you want to have points like in a traditional judging sense I am not sure. Maybe just entry to the "Hall of Fame" is enough.

I think it is a great idea John and well worth implementing.
I agree. There should be a Hall of Fame on this forum. I would also suggest we send the best pictures to OrchidWiz with the mention ''SlipperTalk Hall of Fame Photos''. I am not involved in any way in this database but it's one of the best place to see pictures of orchids that have never won an official award. Of course, ST members would have to give their consent for this to happen. Thanks John for trying to push the envelope. You have my vote. :)
I like this idea! I think an HOF would be great. Perhaps, to be fair, photos could be submitted to a special section and have members vote Yea or Nay. After a certain period of time, voting stops and the winner(s) are moved to the HOF. Also, voters would have to "register" to vote so that only active people would vote and also to be able to work out a percentage to "win". Just my $0.02!

I've also thought that a great promotion for the site would be a "Slippertalk" Trophy that societies could award at their shows. Kinda like an Orchid Digest trophy...
Without spending a lot of time thinking about this, my first off the cuff remark is that I think it would be a good idea to create a "best grown" or "best presented" site. With internal judging. This would showcase really well grown plants like David's dianthum

But because of the limitations on just seeing photos, I'd be hard pressed to do this with individual flowers. Lighting /color rendition, sizes, are hard to determine "greatness" without comparison to standards. And we pretty much give thumbs up or thumbs down status to just about any flower photo that hits the forum now.

But as the ST membership grows with both numbers of members and experience/expertise of the membership, we could start a big enough data base to work this from an individual flower basis by collecting AQ (Awards Quarterly) like data on awarded flowers.

Am I just rambling or making sense:eek:
I would also be concerned that this is accomplished to not cause people to be intimidated and not want to post their flowers on the site if they don't stack up to "greatness".
I would also be concerned that this is accomplished to not cause people to be intimidated and not want to post their flowers on the site if they don't stack up to "greatness".

Or it may serve as an inspiration for more folks to see the real capabilities of such slipper beauty. I think it will be great!
I like this idea! I think an HOF would be great. Perhaps, to be fair, photos could be submitted to a special section and have members vote Yea or Nay. After a certain period of time, voting stops and the winner(s) are moved to the HOF. Also, voters would have to "register" to vote so that only active people would vote and also to be able to work out a percentage to "win". Just my $0.02!

I personally think that it would not be best for people to submit their own photos for a vote but that it would be better for others to decide whether it is worthy of inclusion in the "HOF". Maybe anyone from a small informed panel can determine whether a plant is worthy of inclusion from which point the rest of the forum can then vote.

Without spending a lot of time thinking about this, my first off the cuff remark is that I think it would be a good idea to create a "best grown" or "best presented" site. With internal judging. This would showcase really well grown plants like David's dianthum

But because of the limitations on just seeing photos, I'd be hard pressed to do this with individual flowers. Lighting /color rendition, sizes, are hard to determine "greatness" without comparison to standards. And we pretty much give thumbs up or thumbs down status to just about any flower photo that hits the forum now.

But as the ST membership grows with both numbers of members and experience/expertise of the membership, we could start a big enough data base to work this from an individual flower basis by collecting AQ (Awards Quarterly) like data on awarded flowers.

Am I just rambling or making sense:eek:

Yes, I'd agree that this idea suits CCM plants best as you don't really need to see the flower in person to judge them well. Still I didn't need to see any more of Aquagem's Paph Spiderman to know that was an amazing clone. The WOW factor does certainly come from specimen plants in full flower so the concentration can be on those. But the inclusion of amazing clones can still occur where warranted.
I personally think that it would not be best for people to submit their own photos for a vote but that it would be better for others to decide whether it is worthy of inclusion in the "HOF". Maybe anyone from a small informed panel can determine whether a plant is worthy of inclusion from which point the rest of the forum can then vote.

My point of putting it to a vote is that a "small informed panel" can result in resentment. How would you determine who is "informed?" What about personality conflicts between members and the potential for bias?

Putting the plants to a membership vote of those who have "registered" to vote for HOF inclusion would be, in my mind, more egalitarian.
I like the idea, but I also agree with the concept of not wanting to intimidate people who are new to the forum, or who are just starting out, from posting photos. We should start slowly, see how it works out. I like the idea of a Hall of Fame for scores, no awards, just acknowledgment. If that works out well, maybe we can take things to another level. How about, each photo posted has a little button, say, labeled HOF. (Kind of like the "like" button on Facebook and other places.) A certain number of HOF's are clicked, and the picture goes to an HOF gallery, divided into the current photo categories we already have. If it works, we can take it further from there.
My point of putting it to a vote is that a "small informed panel" can result in resentment. How would you determine who is "informed?" What about personality conflicts between members and the potential for bias?

Putting the plants to a membership vote of those who have "registered" to vote for HOF inclusion would be, in my mind, more egalitarian.

It sort of depends on the format this takes. If it is meant to replicate the standard judging system then people would be responsible for entering their plants to be judged. If it is more a HOF then I don't think they should. Normally in a HOF you don't ask to join but are told you will be inducted. I think that is better myself.

How you determine what enters the HOF is the hard part. Simply having the ability to vote on every plant that is ever posted may get a bit unwieldy. You need to have some quality control to ensure consistency and quality. I was just suggesting a combination of a panel for shortlisting with membership making the final decision.

That is just my 2 cents worth. :)
I think it's an excellent idea and the David's dianthum is a a very good example that deserves to be awarded because of the size and flower count. This would our form of an FCC if I'm not mistaken ( I'm not an expert regarding AOS / RHS juding ).

However judging plants with low flower count on criteria as colour and size will be more difficult when using photo's as a medium. A lot of the pictures posted here are processed through software and compact camera's do a lot of processing of their own. I do this myself as well, but by doing so it will become very hard to actually judge the actual colours of the flower.

Still I support this idea and I would love to see how we as a community are able to work out a viable concept.
I like the idea, but I also agree with the concept of not wanting to intimidate people who are new to the forum, or who are just starting out, from posting photos.

Eric, I disagree with you on this. We've all been beginners. I remember all the great plants brought on the show table when I first joined my society in 1980, and I just drooled over them. I remember how clumsy I was when I posted my first photos on the Forum and I never felt intimidated by others. I learned from them, I drooled over their photos. If we do this, let's not be bland or politically correct. Let people learn from others. The HOF idea must be the goal we all set ourselves by. :)
I'm thinking about this. I think it could be fun. Just trying to figure out the best way to implement it. I like the voting option…Then we just need to open a new forum for it.

I do however think all judging is subjective so what about some sort of "advisory council" of the judges on the forum? A group to point out why yes or why no….

Let me mull this over a bit more...
I responded to this once already,but I will do it again.

I think its a good idea.I think enough of us here have been growing long enough to make a good judgement of the quality from a photo.Hell,we might be better than some of the actual AOS judges out there.We are all adults here and I don't think anyone will get their butt hurt from some constructive criticism,I know I wouldn't.I know ugly when I see it,and there's a little more ugly out in the GH then good/great blooms.I just dont share them.HAHAHA!

I would also like to know if there's a Hall of Fame,we will we have a Hall of Shame?If we have the Hall of Shame I could post photos of things before they get tossed.I just threw out half dozen cymbidiums away that like crap.
I suggest we start with a Hall of Fame for now. There is a long way to go yet. And let's not forget that flowers are to be judged, not people. ;)