rungsuriyanum and canhii

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2014
Reaction score
Adelaide, South Australia
These are around 3-4 years out of flask. One of the reasons they are so big is that we leave plants in flask a lot longer than most people do. Quite often the plants even flower in the bottle. They’ve more than doubled in size since deflask.


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WOW ..... that's great ! 👍 I assume in each pot is the content of every flask, right ? Can we see also a flower photo of the canhii(s), please.
WOW ..... that's great ! 👍 I assume in each pot is the content of every flask, right ? Can we see also a flower photo of the canhii(s), please.
They are a single plant. When growing plants to use for breeding we often put just a single plant in a flask to get it as large as possible. For miniature species like these that means you are deflasking mature plants that will usually flower in the next season or earlier.

I didn’t include the canhii as they’ve been out quite some time and a bit insect damaged. Still ok though.


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He's asking if you have closed the life cycle, in other words: "Have you germinated canhii from seed that you produced yourself?"
Not yet. There was an earlier pod but it was lost due to various circumstances. There is another pod that is 6 months old now. There will be more of course. It’s really just a matter of time now.