Repotting Paphs--Better to over-pot or force media between roots?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2014
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Last night I got around to repotting a new acquisition and as you can see here, it has really good roots:


It JUST fits into a 4" air cone pot but I don't feel like I was able to get my mix around the roots very well, especially in the middle of each side since it had previously been in a round pot.

So my question is, would it be better to bump it up into a 5" pot which would make it easier to get the mix down in the roots or should I just try to force more mix down the sides? Or should I perhaps just leave it a little more open?

It was fairly late when I was working on it and so I forgot to take a picture of the roots in the new pot, I can do so tonight if that would help provide better feedback.
If you place the plant in the pot, add a little of you media. Hold the top of the pot, tap the bottom & sides of the pot to settle the media. It will go between the root. Repeat until the pot is full. You can get the same result with adding media then immersing the pot in water. The result of the draining water will be media washed between the roots. Small amounts. Patience.
I think I'd go to a 6" pot as well. Give the plant some room
to grow more roots. As to cramming medium down into
the root zone, I use one chop stick and be very careful.
Actually, I don't think cramming a good idea anyway.
What little frog says.
Also, whether you overpot or not, you still want new mix in between the roots, otherwise they will go too dry between watering.

I would use a generous sized pot to allow the roots to grow for the next two years or so.