Probably found greenhouse space! Hooray!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
I just got home from talking with the owner of the nursery where I board some of my non-paph orchids. He's going to make space for me to have a bench about 50' x 7' in one of his greenhouses! It's all set up with all the equipment and a potting bench and all! It's an old wood and fiberglass greenhouse. I'm going back tomorrow morning to talk further with him and see the space - he'd sprayed today, so we couldn't go in. The man is really nice and our values feel very similar. We haven't even discussed price yet, but I know it will be reasonable for what I'm getting, since his boarding prices are. OHMYGOSH I am soooo happy! It will be a great start for me if it works out, after a couple years of filling my place with plants and getting frustrated with trying to do this greenhouse thing in an apartment with a couple grow areas! (see my flaskling thread here) My only concern is boisduval scale, since he boards many people's orchids. I saw very mild scale on a few plants, but none with serious infestations. How worried should I be? He sprays all plants on arrival and on return from homes (they go home in bloom and return). I don't yet know what he uses to spray with or how he follows up scheduling the spray.
Any ideas for me to discuss with him, folks? I believe from the outside of the space it looks as if my space will be a fourth or a third of the greenhouse. I don't yet know what else is in there.
talking about spraying is always good, and I guess what the usual temps and extreme temps would be, along with how bright or not it will be. (and how often he waters if you won't be doing watering)
Congratulations......but, be cautious.....

Because of the immense cost of a sizeable orchid collection, you need to be careful. If something went wrong, it would be a lot worse than just a shame. A bench 50' x 7' can hold a king's ransom worth of plants. The owner needs to take this arrangement very seriously and be trustworthy and capable. Things must be done right. Your plants must have the right environment, be sprayed with non-damaging chemicals and be secure from the "sticky fingers" belonging to his other boarders. Just make sure that you and the owner are ON THE SAME PAGE on all aspects of plant care and security before you trust him with a lot of valuable plants. This has the potential to be a wonderful experience for you....or it could be a nightmare. Be sure to go in with your eyes wide open and take nothing for granted. Get everything (especially his responsibilities), in writing. If he objects to a written contract clearly stating his responsibilities, I'd walk hard as that may be right now. It's better than losing a bunch of plants first and then walking away with nothing because you didn't have a written agreement. Good luck.
I tend to agree with Eric. If you see scale, chances are there's a lot you don't see, especially on Cattleya-type plants. Certainly ask about spraying: What he uses and how often, and what does he rotate with?

Otherwise, it sounds like a great opportunity. Good luck!

I have definitely decided NOT to take the space with the grower with scale. I am considering another adjacent but not contiguous greenhouse that I'd have to myself. If I take it, I'd have it professionally disinfected first - it has old wooden benches and has been used by a man who had a few orchids along with various other foliage plants. I'm going to inspect it carefully, talk with local orchid society folks, get someone looking over my shoulder regarding a contract with the owner. I'm moving very slowly and carefully, as all have suggested.
Thanks for the input!

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