Paph phillipinense

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
I do love this clone. This is the best it has ever flowered. First time it has had two spikes. Picked up champion of the show at a small horticultural show last weekend.

Paph phillipinense ('Witches Broom' x 'Black Adder')


Stunningly beautiful - congrats! Well done! :clap: :clap:

You know, you really should give it its own cultivar name...

If the judges were orchid judges (i.e. from the Australian Orchid Society - or what they call themselves down under?), you not only 'should' give it a clonal name, you are obliged too!

The danish judges have a quite lackadaisical approach to this - in Germany you cannot get your certificate for the award without having stated the clonal name for the awarded plant. The name will then be added to the certificate. And that is how it should be, IM(not so)HO! (this is actually the only way to keep track of parentage, if the plant then at a later state is used for breeding purposes)

But the Germans always had a knack for being systematical! What is it, the say: "Ordnung muss sein!"

Kind regards,

PS. Forgot to say: I so wish, I could get a division of your wonderful plant! :drool: :drool:
Stunning a really nice flower and healthy plant. What size pot is it? Looks like a 1lt. What's your mix also? I seem to struggle with this species.
Wow... simply gorgeous!

This has always been one my all-time favorite paph species. I love the yellow pouch with the dark red petals.
Stunning a really nice flower and healthy plant. What size pot is it? Looks like a 1lt. What's your mix also? I seem to struggle with this species.

Actually, it is in a 2.1 litre pot. I'd only recently repotted it into a larger pot. The growths are starting to get bigger although still a very compact plant.

I think the plant has Orchiata 12-18 mm bark in the bottom half and 9-12 mm in the top half.

I find this species pretty straightforward to grow. It seems pretty adaptable. Some clones can be difficult to flower though. I have one clone with a dozen or so growths, but I have never flowered it.
Thanks very much mine has always struggled, but looking trying to improve my potting mix. I am looking at moving to Orchidata, should be able to pick some up at the BPS winter meeting in January.
Thanks very much mine has always struggled, but looking trying to improve my potting mix. I am looking at moving to Orchidata, should be able to pick some up at the BPS winter meeting in January.

Since I have been using Orchiata bark (last 4 years or so) my plants have been growing much better.

If you have only had one clone of phillipinense, maybe try another. It doesn't matter what the species or hybrid, you will always get some clones that don't grow well. Maybe you just have a poor growing clone. As a general rule, phillipinense is one of the easier growing species. I currently have half a dozen clones and they all seem to grow well and clump nicely. I did have one slow growing clone but it has passed on.