Paph Dolliroth - Orchids Limited

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Nov 29, 2008
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Bloomington, MN
Paph. henryanum was formally described in 1987. A 2009 article by Gruss and Rohr in Orchid Digest stated that all Paphiopedilum henryanum hybrids that were registered between 1989 and 1992, with one exception, were made by Gunter Dankmayer, gardener at Hilmar Doll’s Royal Orchids nursery in Germany. Paph. Dolliroth (henryanum x rothschildianum) was registered in 1992 by Doll but Orchids Limited could not find a picture of this hybrid. Henryanum is a miniature Paph so breeding with it is intended to produce compact plants with flowers that have good dorsal spots and nicely colored pouches.

Orchids Limited remade Dooliroth in 2008 using outstanding parents. This is the first boom on my plant from this cross, so it has been about 8 years from crossing to blooming. Orchids Limited is not aware of any other blooms from this cross.

The flower is a nice mixture of rothschildianum size and shape with henryanum spots and pouch coloring. The natural spread between the tips of the petals is a little over 15 cm. The plant is compact with a natural span between the tips of the longest pair of leaves on the blooming growth of 33 cm. The leaves have a tendency to chlorosis but this is improving on newer growths. It is obviously something cultural (light or nutrients). This plant has been grown only under LED lighting and in a mix of milled sphagnum moss/Growstones.


Whole plant:
That is a perfct combo of the two!
Amazing how the color of the Henry maintained so nicely on your clone!

I wonder why OL didn't keep any?
Or theirs didn't do well or came out rather muddy?

One can easily imagine how terribly ugly this cross can come out, if it ever flowers.

Those leaves look like one of my Pink Sky, except mine is severe.
I find it pretty. Also, all the newer leaves come out very bright yellow green and then gradually the darker green kicks in, but still maintaining the lightly colored area.
At least for mine, it must be genetics.

You mentioned grow stone. Do you grow others in the same mix and they are fine??
I have read some things about grow stone and how it needs this "conditioning" otherwise it can make plants look funny due to pH and thus nutrient deficiency.
I'm curious to know how you use it.
Could you please post the photo here; or, just post the URL for the photo, not the whole Flickr webpage? Get the photo URL by right clicking on the photo and then clicking on "properties". Thanks a bunch....I'd really like to see this.
Could you please post the photo here; or, just post the URL for the photo, not the whole Flickr webpage? Get the photo URL by right clicking on the photo and then clicking on "properties". Thanks a bunch....I'd really like to see this.

Orchids Limited still has a group of them, but they have just a first one in low spike now. They also sold some to other people around the world but no one has posted or sent them a picture. Who knows how uniform the cross will be.

I grow all of my orchids in slightly different proportions of milled sphagnum moss and smaller-chunk size of Growstones. There are others on this and other forums who also use Growstones in one way or another. This mix has helped me have a watering frequency that works well and even let's me be gone for two weeks without watering. I fertilize at every watering and have used a roughly alternating schedule of K-Lite and Green Jungle from Orchids Limited. I also use 5 ml/gallon lemon juice in the fertilizer solution. This helps me get to a pH in the media in the low 6s. I use Kelp-Max about 3-4 times a year.

I will try and repost the image link for those without Flickr access, although I see that one image already was.

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Thank you!
Good to know.

I need to know more about growstone. I've had this negative idea about them.

If I can be gone for two weeks without watering, I would repot everything I have into grow stone!

Tell me more in detail please!
What other plants do you have in this mix and what ratio of moss & grow stone do you use for them? What is milled moss??
How long have you grown them in this mix?
Any negatives?? How do you repot?? I assume just pot into the next sized pot without having to disturb the roots?
hahaha thanks for the offer, I would do it for a big fee, but I just can't.
I have to do it. It's just me. I know, strange. lol

For now, I have to travel short distances. haha
or certain time of the year, but then only for so many days.
Too many seedlings that just can't be left alone for too long.
There are other primary or early hybrids of different orchid genera for which you cannot find pictures. There are various reasons for this, but it certainly doesn't always mean the crosses were a bust!

I have lost count of how many different combinations of potting media and nutrient approaches I have used. For my indoor, under-LED light conditions, this milled sphagnum/GrowStone mix is the best I have used.

I wash the GrowStone GS 2 soil aeration stones pretty well before using them. I make a roughly equal parts combination of the Growstones and dry milled sphagnum moss, but for Cattleyas and Phals I increase the Growstones somewhat. It is a pleasure to pot with this mixture. It seems to give a nice combination of moisture retention and aeration. I have used this mixture for at least 2 years. I have only repotted when a plant becomes too large for a pot. I am using only Ray Rand's Air-cone pots. I water Miltoniopsis and Phrags once a week. Paphs, Catts, and Phals are every 10-12 days. When I was gone for two weeks this last spring, I watered everything the morning I left and while some pots were reasonably dry when I returned, there was no harm to anything, including the Miltoniopsis and Phrags.

This mix alone gives a pour-through pH in the high-6 or low 7 range. Adding the lemon juice to the fertilizer solution lowers this and maybe citrate does some other magical things. Maybe a little silica or calcium from the Growstones makes a difference.

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Thanks, again.

I have no idea what Growstone GS 2 is. Different size of particle??

I have read that growstone tend to be basic in pH. Maybe they are not like that anymore? and I thought they were inert, but you are suggesting that they do react chemically?
This pH part is what worried me the most initially.
I guess adding moss may help buffer that, though.

Do you leave any water at the saucer at all for certain things like phrags and miltoniopsis?
It seems like the watering interval is really great considering I find myself watering every 3-4 days.
Things dry up like crazy under T8 with all the heat and brightness...
This is a very interesting hybrid. Doll did a lot crosses like this.