Neo. nishidemiyako

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Slipperless member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Glen Rock - New Jersey
Nice ... I see a potential Manazuru baby on the lower left of plant in pic 1. Very valuable.

Did you know this variety Nishidemiyako is considered a ‘dream’ plant because it has the potential to mutate to about 6-7 different types including Ginsekai and Saikaku too? All valuable and more expensive than the mother plant. The rate of mutation in my experience is 1 in 20 growths.

Dream on my young Jedi!
Thank you Marco. Neos are such delicate, graceful bloomers. I used to
grow them and they did quite well, however, none ever bloomed for
me. I had really big plants though.
Thank you Marco. Neos are such delicate, graceful bloomers. I used to
grow them and they did quite well, however, none ever bloomed for
me. I had really big plants though.
I find that a forced cool drier rest in winter (and more light) will trigger them to bloom in spring.

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