Irapeanum update

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Dec 16, 2009
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One protocorm does not do anything, only still alive, but the other is moving fast!!!!!Here is the centre and 3-4 new growths and after making photo a noticed a perpherical new one growth , too, among Sphagnum, whtai is about 3 mm tall! I hope.......
Hello ! good luck ! I'm doing the same experience now ...
@ Seb: It seems that you are using a different mix than the one Jan suggests. What are you using?

Hello !...recipe is top secret ;-)... but just for you I can do just an exception :rollhappy:

fine quartz sand, fine pouzzolan, manado, a substrate for aquarium that really has no name but managed well to land orchids and charcoal form my chimney ...that all...and a lot of prayers ! :wink:
Seb, what kinds of media are you using? Looks like pumice-like stuff, charcoal, sand, but there are some small red clay like materials, which I don't know what it is.

(oops, I didn't see the 2nd page, where you answered it).
Hello !...recipe is top secret ;-)... but just for you I can do just an exception :rollhappy:

fine quartz sand, fine pouzzolan, manado, a substrate for aquarium that really has no name but managed well to land orchids and charcoal form my chimney ...that all...and a lot of prayers ! :wink:

What! No pixie dust? :rollhappy:

Best of luck to both of you, and more importantly to the seedlings. Keep us informed no matter what happens - the more information, the better.
Two of three protocors stopped but one is started to grow and turned to green, about 1,5 cm "tall" at this moment. I think others will die, but I will be happy if "only" this one will survive.
I keep it in semi-shade, just like phrags. I saw few pics about its habitat, I think it gets much light in nature, as I could see well it grows in relatively opened areas.
I keep it in semi-shade, just like phrags. I saw few pics about its habitat, I think it gets much light in nature, as I could see well it grows in relatively opened areas.

Mine too. ..protected by phrags leaves. ..