
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
S. Norway
one rather uncommon (on this forum) species, some says it's a hybrid, but most Accept it's a species. Nice, small, bought a flask two years ago(April 2013) that decided to bloom now.

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you certainly can grow and flower them fast. Well done.

Thank you, seems as if many can be bloomed after two to three years. IMHO the main issue is "Keep'em moist" with good water (low TDS but nutrients pH 5.5-6) Seasonal variations for these from the monsoon belt of course.
Good growing, nice blooms!!!

And no doubt it's a species, I see very little variations on your plants...
Beautiful, but I'd love to see the blooms in natural light. At
least on my monitor, the grow lights distort color.

Yeah, I agree, I have some blurry pics in daylight here is the best

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Perhaps I'll try again this weekend. Should really consider buying a camera???
Thank you, Bjorn. The color is so much better in natural
light and the pouches have just a bit of purple that didn't
show up at all under the lights. Beautiful flowers and great
Oooooo very, very niiiiice! I love henry, so am quite taken
with any good henry and that is one. Now doesn't natural
daylight just make everything better???? Thank you. You're a good man Bjorn!