Food! Current obsession?

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Marco said:
MMMM sushi. I love salmon and the squid the squisy slimy white ones. The only thing with me though is I can't have avocados. :( Cause I'm super allergic. My throat gets itchy and my lips bloat up.

oh that's too bad. :( I love avocados and I've been putting them with all the sushi I roll, salmon, tuna, eel, california rolls.
A change in direction.

Right now, for me it is strawberries and biscuits. It is strawberry season in Michigan, and there is nothing better. The California ones don't come close!
Heather said:
I heard recently that our native berries here in MA (which I've been noshing on tonight) are a cross of California and French and that is what makes them so good (the French influence!)

They are SO sweet.

What type of berries might that be?
I've never had Michigan strawberries, but California strawberries vary greatly. The bigger ones aren't as goos as the naturally smaller, organic ones. I love strawberries and last year I went to the Watsonville Strawberry Festival where I ate so many strawberries I puked most of the two hour drive home.
adiaphane said:
I've never had Michigan strawberries, but California strawberries vary greatly. The bigger ones aren't as goos as the naturally smaller, organic ones. I love strawberries and last year I went to the Watsonville Strawberry Festival where I ate so many strawberries I puked most of the two hour drive home.

I'm sure Californians can find excellent strawberries. It's just that the ones that are shipped to Michigan have to withstand all that handling and time, so they are bred for that purpose. Result: big, red strawberries that are hard and tasteless (compared to home-grown ones here in Michigan).
I know the kinds you're talking about! I avoid them like the plague--they have absolutely no taste. I wished they would all just go away (big strawberries made to feed the eyes, not tastebuds).
I just had chinese take out for lunch, battered shrimp pork fried rice and wonton soup and it's making me dumb and sleepy. I'm so stupified, I can barely function.
Places where I had one of the best indian foods: Gaylord Indian Restaurant. I think it's a chain. So far I have been to the ones in London, UK and in Beverly Hills, California. Both are very good. These places serve northern indian food, which is quite standard. The Kashmir Indian Restaurant at Newbury Street in Boston is also excellent! You could eat like a Maharajah there. I also had southern indian food when I was in Singapore a while back. Very different from the nothern indian cuisine, very aromatic and yummy! I think it is better than nothern indian food that people are familiar with.