Food! Current obsession?

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Jun 6, 2006
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Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure
Some of these little games are good ways to get to know each other better.

I'm currently hooked on Indian food. I went from having good Indian food anywhere from 1-1.5 hours away to 10 minutes from my house, and now, a new place has opened 5 blocks up! I'm doomed!

City living=yikes! Too much good food!

So what's yours?

(off to eat my pakoras...)
I've been on a checkers binge lately. And dim sum is ooohh so good. Especially the yui chi gau i dont know whats in it buts its good.
I envy you Heather. When I lived in Atlanta I was like that. I tried Indian food and needed a whole lot of Tums. We dont have much in Statesboro that isnt country fried goodness, though. So much for ethnicity here.

Now that you've found Indian food, you must start cooking it for yourself. What an experience to say the least. The list of ingredients can blow your mind. :drool:

My current love: Barley - a wonderful thing to cook and eat.
We are currently hooked on Sushi!!! Of all places Florence, Kentucky. Fantastic place called Matsuya catering to the Japanese transplants working at the toyota parts plants here.

MMMMMMM raw tuna
Darin said:
We are currently hooked on Sushi!!! Of all places Florence, Kentucky. Fantastic place called Matsuya catering to the Japanese transplants working at the toyota parts plants here.

MMMMMMM raw tuna

MMMM sushi. I love salmon and the squid the squisy slimy white ones. The only thing with me though is I can't have avocados. :( Cause I'm super allergic. My throat gets itchy and my lips bloat up.
This thread is temptation. I am on a diet.

Though, I am learning to roll my own sushi. Personal favorites are Tomago, Unagi, Salmon (and crab and shrimp) Sashimi and any kind of spicy roll.

When I read about dim sum, and curry chicken it makes me want to :sob:
I like cheap Mexican food. You know, the places that bring you chips and salsa first and then two quesadillas are only like 5 bucks.
Part of living in San Francisco is all the great food available, which means, every week, I get to eat sushi, Indian, Thai, Burmese and Vietnamese food. However, since I no longer am working and am on a budget, I can't go out to eat as much. But I love fresh organic veggies. Currently, I like to eat cherry tomatoes and red bell peppers. That's pretty much it.

Heather--I agree with you about cooking Indian food! I love it, and whenever I have tried to cook it, it smells like it should, but it always come out bitter or bland. Someone told me that I had to roast the spices first to get rid of the bitter flavor, and even though I tried it, it didn't work. It's so much easier to simply buy the food from a restaurant.

has anyone tried Indian ice cream? They have flavors like saffron and rose and toasted almond. YUM!!!
I need better friends...I can honestly say I've never had anything adiaphane listed above, except curry chicken once...or the "Amercian" version that is. I also tried a piece of sushi once, and spit it out almost immediately. I don't know what it was, but people who had it that like sushi also said it wasn't that good, so I don't know if I would like it or not. I hate avacado and wassabe though, so that probably limits my choices.

My circle of friends idea of fine dining is going out for steaks, and I truelly love a good steak so I don't complain when they don't want to go to a local chinese place. Time to fire up the grill at 4 in the morning again...

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Just come across the river... Good sushi is just an hour south of Dayton on I-75. Come on down you wont regret it.

When I was a poor uni student... and before i learnt to cook spag bol... all I could afford to do was eat at this one Indian restaurant. $3.95 for three dishes with rice!!! So for this one semester I went there almost every lunch and every dinner.... and even now, I still love indian food!!!
Jon, don't get me wrong. I love sushi so much it's probably my most favorite food ever. But I know within two minutes of walking into a BBQ joint if the food is going to be good or not just by the smell. If I'm not eating raw fish for dinner, I am eating grilled steak.

I can also tell you the exact time and place I had the best steak of my entire life. Dinner in Nov. 2002 at the Sagebrush Inn in Taos, NM. It was a 12 oz. ribeye. I haven't had as good or better since.
lienluu said:
I don't have any obsessions. I'm just not an obsessive person.
Unless of course it is collecting roths, or besseae... That isn't an obsession, seems perfectly normal to me!!!

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