First Cyps to Bloom in My Yard

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Catt's Meow
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Qualicum Beach, BC
I put these plants in last year. I am thrilled that they overwintered and are starting to bloom.

Congratulations!! I have been thinking of getting one just to see if it would make it.
Adorable additions to your garden Joanne!

We tried these a few years ago.
Expensive, and ours were suicidal.
Parviflorum? Parviflorum var pubescens?

The ones in bud/bloom came from Monica; the ones on the right came from Garden Slippers.
Nice! What kind of ground do you have them planted in? Loose? Well-drained?

Seems to me I added some horticultural sand and perlite to enhance drainage and that's about it. My yard is only 7 years old and I put in very nice garden loam back then; I was actually worried it might be too good...we shall see...
Yeah probably. I see Shawn of Garden Slippers at our Society meetings all the time, and it's hard to resist the hybrids he has...I did try Maria in 2009, but I got it in October, put it in the ground and then we had a really hard sudden freeze that year in mid-October and I never saw her again.

I'll probably wait on more year to start adding more Cyps though as I'm changing up the area where I've got them planted now.