Fall Great Lakes events

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Nov 14, 2022
Reaction score
If you find yourself with some extra cash lying around this Fall and you are in the Great Lakes area, I have to announce 2 Orchid Shows to tell you about.
#1. Michiana Orchid Society Show on September 30th and October 1st., 2023. The show is on the grounds of Holy Cross University. All pertinent information can be found on the societies web site.
#2. Ann Arbor Orchid Society and Show the weekend of November 17-19, 2023. It is held on the grounds of the Matthaei Botanical Garden. Additional information can be found on the AOS web page at www.AOS.org Just look on the “Events Page”
Both shows have orchid sales, AOS judging lectures and exhibits. Orchid supplies are also available.
This was awarded an 82 point AM by my team at the Ann Arbor Show today. It is Paphiopedilum villosum fma. amnamense. Stunning, gorgeous!! My image is woefully inadequate. It was a flower with a yellow base color. The kind of chocolate burgundy tessellations were just beautiful!
I am admittedly not a big fan of villosum, but this variety, with 5 previous AOS awards was quite impactful. I always thought villosum was kind of ho hum 6D9ABA32-52B0-4527-8DA1-0354855594C7.jpeg
Here is another award from the Ann Arbor Show yesterday. It belongs to Littlefrog/Rob H. It is Paphiopedilum Larry Sexton ‘Littlefrog’ AM/AOS. It did not go to my team but I certainly noticed this during my judging travels with my ribbon team. It was a real “eye catcher”.
I am posting this and I hope Rob adds his own image and tells everyone the story behind the plant.
I just love the color, the markings on a compact plant. Really beautiful!
Congratulations again Rob!! 👍D1E7B751-AD6F-41DB-989E-9C6B1EB4D5D4.jpeg
Wow!! Beautiful villosum!
And congratulations to Rob/ Littlefrog on his beautiful Paphiopedilum Larry Sexton ‘Littlefrog’-and his beautiful AM/AOS!
Sounds like it was a wonderful show. 😀
Here is another plant from the Ann Arbor Show. This really made me take notice! This is a Cattleya brevipedunculata. ( formerly Sophronitis )
It had a total of eleven flowers and a bud. I am pleased to share with you this species. This is just something that I do not run across too often. When I saw it, I thought CCM. I do not know if it was pulled for judging. It was not awarded.
A couple of flowers were a tad funky. Maybe that is why it was not pulled for judging.
I have one more to share. This is Rhyncatlaelia Canyon Echo. It is Rlc. Bryce Canyon x Lc. Liptonii.
When I saw it in a display, Michigan Orchid Society, I really didn’t notice it in terms of jumping out and screaming at me, PLEASE AWARD ME! I say that considering it is my society and I am helping to set up the display. I must have been off on some distant planet because it is really nice.
It was pulled and got an 82 point AM!! What is the old saying, “You can’t see the forest for the trees”!
But I did notice it the morning of judging.
Thank you everyone. I really enjoyed myself at the Ann Arbor Show this year! It is always so wonderful to catch up with many, local orchid friends, many of which I had not seen since late March. In my opinion shows, meetings, and judging are the perfect way to keep in touch with everyone. To a very large extent, those friends help to make the hobby great. Nice orchids, even nicer people.

And while I think of it, it is amazing what images you can get with a cell phone!! Forget the backgrounds sometimes but my images of villosum, brevipedunculata and Canyon Echo are pretty sweet if you ask me.
Thanks again everyone.
They are very sweet indeed! It is amazing what a camera phone can do. I think back to the pitiful out of focus pictures we used to take with any non-professional camera and just cringe. Your pictures are wonderful!
Here is another award from the Ann Arbor Show yesterday. It belongs to Littlefrog/Rob H. It is Paphiopedilum Larry Sexton ‘Littlefrog’ AM/AOS. It did not go to my team but I certainly noticed this during my judging travels with my ribbon team. It was a real “eye catcher”.
I am posting this and I hope Rob adds his own image and tells everyone the story behind the plant.
I just love the color, the markings on a compact plant. Really beautiful!
Congratulations again Rob!! 👍View attachment 43744
I have this type of paph. How do you bloom it?