Dry fungus growing on Phragmipedium Hanne Popow

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Active Member
Aug 14, 2023
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Compré este phrag de un cultivador que tenía un invernadero en la selva tropical, lo traje a mi casa de clima templado, su brote maduro más reciente murió de un hongo Primera FOTO (comenzó desde el rizoma hasta la punta de la hoja, de marrón, suave y maloliente). Luego a los 3 meses me salió un nuevo brote, pero está infectado con otro hongo, Segunda FOTO. sale por la punta de la hoja, esta seca y no huele, que puedo hacer?

Circunstancias: Clima templado, sin trasplantar su sustrato viejo (Carbón pequeño y leca) Riego Por la mañana sin encharcar las hojas. Probé Ridomil ligeramente diluido y la canela en polvo no paró.


I had the exact thing. Plant was so healthy considering it is a phrag with me and then this. I was so heart broken that I did something wrong. I put it in the trash I was so frustrated and wished I could have saved it. Good luck
I had the exact thing. Plant was so healthy considering it is a phrag with me and then this. I was so heart broken that I did something wrong. I put it in the trash I was so frustrated and wished I could have saved it. Good luck
Yes D: I wanted to see it flourish, it's rare that out of all my phrags and paphios there is only one sick, so I rule out bad culture. I was thinking of cutting the affected area, applying Gerdex and then adding cinnamon again
I think it might be suffering from a severe lack of water.
I grow my besseae, schlimii, Hanne Popow in a much finer mix. 1/2 seedling grade fir bark or orchiata, 1/4 seedling grade charcoal, 1/4 fine perlite. I even add some chopped sphagnum.
I use plastic pots and water every three days or so. Your mix of large charcoal pieces looks very dry to me. I think that it is unhappy.
Creo que podría estar sufriendo de una grave falta de agua.
Cultivo mis besseae, schlimii, Hanne Popow en una mezcla mucho más fina. 1/2 corteza de abeto para plántulas u orchiata, 1/4 de carbón vegetal para plántulas, 1/4 de perlita fina. Incluso agrego un poco de sphagnum picado.
Uso macetas de plástico y agua cada tres días más o menos. Tu mezcla de carboncillos grandes me parece muy seca. Creo que es infeliz.
Yes, maybe it's also the lack of water. Although I forgot to say that it was in a pot with a 2cm water reserve at the bottom. That's why I ruled it out. But I am going to transplant it like the others (1/2 Pine Bark of 1.5. 2cm, 1/2 Terracotta split 2cm, 3cm, and a touch of charcoal) And I water daily in the morning. Should I cut off the brown edges or leave them as they are?
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I had one plant like this and it spread to a few very valuable besseae flavum hybrids. I put Dragon's Blood on them and am trying hard to keep them going.