Don Wimber 3N sibling seconds

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
The second Don Wimber sibling has its first flower open, while the first one I posted earlier has finally opened its second flower. These are siblings from a flask purchased by Clark, from chuck acker. The second plants flower is a lot larger and darker than the first plant



first pic, left flower is the second plants first flower. Third pic is second flower of first Don Wimber. The middle pic is an accurate comparison to the size and color of each flower
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That face on flower in the last picture is exactly what I tell student judges to look for. See the little teeth? Polyploids often have teeth. That is a fault for judging purposes - but we aren't judging, are we? :)

I like the darker flower a lot. And the other one isn't bad. Sometimes (often) they will re-bloom without the 'toothiness'. And some people think it is cool. I kind of think it is cool...
That is one sweet plant!
These are good pictures, but it hard to capture that intensely rich color that you see in person. There is nothing quite like the color of Don Wimber and Ouaisne .