Corybas calopeplos

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
I am quite astonished to say that I have a blooming corybas in my apartment! My first attempt with Aussie ones a few years ago was dismal, nothing even sprouted before dying.
I followed the advice of Benjamin Ooi (relayed from a west coast grower) and made a terrarium and placed the tubers already sprouting roots in the live moss. A leaf came up very quickly with another half emerged but neither of those flowered. A few weeks after, and I saw this bud starting to open from a newly emerged shoot and finally took some so so pics and a few more today with my phone and then a few with my camera that I'll download and post later


A few days ago



Today - the tentacles have grown even longer! Not sure what would pollinate this but it is cool looking :clap:

The tube had the species name calopeplos printed on it, but I have no clue if it is correct or not, I'm just happy to see leaves and a cool flower :D

I couldn't get my nose into the jar to see if it had fragrance, likely only smell moldy wood and moss

Elmer Nj
That's awesome!
Doubt we'll be seeing these at the local florist anytime soon.
But we love them.
Very nice growing and blooming this little fella! I don't think it is calopeplos though, the flower doesn't look like the one in IOSPE, which has a distinctive eyeball-shaped structure.. I'll ask my local orchid taxonomist friend what yours is. I think possibly crenulatus or geminigibbus.
Congrats, Charles! It looks like C. geminigibbus as Paphoboy said. I bought both C. geminigibbus and C. calopeplos from Ooi Leng Sun, and they were both C. geminigibbus. I chatted about this with Ben during Redland this year, and he indicated that they got these two species from different sources (so he was a bit surprised). I got more C. calopeplos this year, and they are starting to expand leaves now. But they aren't quite large enough to tell if it is missID'd or not.
@eric, I bought three tubes of calopeplos and three of gemmingibbus (12 tubers total) I think 5 or 6 all together have come up. It looks like one other might have thought about flowering but browned off

@angela yes this is in that lemonade jar. It looked like I might have had a little too much water so I drained some off. The spigot is very helpful for draining off liquid

All the leaves look the same so I'm assuming they all will be gemmingibbus which is fine
Very cool, I have never seen or heard of these before. The flower is so tiny but just exquisite.

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