Clueless eBay seller

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin USA
To my great amusement, I discovered I have been banned from bidding in a certain eBay seller's auctions, who I will not identify directly. I know why, and I admit I was a bit rude. I don't have much patience when someone is deliberately ignorant. Here's what happened.

I noticed a listing for an Oncidium hybrid with an unregistered name, but it appeared to be part of a registered name. I sent a question to see if they could confirm that it was the registered hybrid, that I would be interested in with a correct name. They didn't respond. They didn't get a sale. No problem for me, though they continue to list the misidentified plant even though it has been pointed out to them.

I also noticed another listing they had for a Zelenchostele, an unusual Oncid intergeneric I would be interested in seeing, but the picture was an obvious Zygo hybrid, and the name matched a registered Zygosepescalum (Pescatoria x Zygopetalum x Zygosepalum). I sent a message letting them know about the error. This time they did reply, saying they had misread the abbreviation and had now corrected the auction to Zygostates. They chose to list another incorrect genus after the correct one was handed to them.

My response to them was "Wow, you really have no idea what you are doing". So, I got banned, and maybe I deserved it. This is a big commercial orchid nursery with a pretty good reputation. They regularly offer some unusual things, and their quality is fine. Their customer service has always been a bit on the rigid arrogant condescending side, and I won't miss that. And an orchid nursery that maintains incorrect names by choice and doesn't know or care about the difference between Zelenchostele, Zygosepescalum and Zygostates, might be slipping.
It would be helpfull if they would say unknown under the species or hybrid, if they don't know what they are selling
With the Zygo hybrid it appears they have the correct name for the cross, they just don't recognize a Zygopetalum type when they see it, have no idea what Zygostates or Zelochostele are, and are too lazy to figure out an unfamiliar abbreviation correctly.

The Oncid may not have been fully identified from their supplier, but they're an orchid nursery. They should be able to figure out if they have a named cross or a NoID.