C. quadricolor coerulea ‘Azulina’

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Nov 17, 2018
Reaction score
Spotsylvania, VA
I created a new post so as not to hijack Leslie’s quadricolor post.
I just recently purchased this from Christofferson. My first quadricolor. It’s supposed to be much less cupped as well. I was drawn to the ‘rarity’ of it and its history. It is in spike, so we’ll see. Here is his description:

“Original Division Christofferson Collection: One of the rarer Cattleya's in the collection and originally from the once great John Obata collection in Hawaii. This came into my collection about 40 years ago from John Obata himself and was tightly held by him. Full formed flowers are not as cupped as often found with this species giving these flowers a larger look. The wide petals compliment the more open lip that not only shows off the blue on the lip but also the blue anther cap!
My understanding is that this was originally from the wild giving it even more a reason to be so impressive.”

Good luck! Looks great. If I were based in the US then the offerings of this guy would be very very hard to resist. I still look at what he has to offer every week on eBay just to see what is around and where the latest breeding is taking species like warscewiczii and mossiae.
Congrats on getting this! This is indeed beautiful.

It was very rare back in the days for blue and even rarer with good shape.

Even compared with the new blue quadricolors I have seen in Colombia, this is still a very nice one.

Grow it well and let it prosper!!

Side note: save me a piece to trade later 😉.
Congrats on getting this! This is indeed beautiful.

It was very rare back in the days for blue and even rarer with good shape.

Even compared with the new blue quadricolors I have seen in Colombia, this is still a very nice one.

Grow it well and let it prosper!!

Side note: save me a piece to trade later 😉.
So when are you moving to the states??
Ohhh, it is a very nice, rare to see such a good quality of quadricolor. Opened very well, shape is perfect, colouration is perfect, too, with four colours. Very lucky you to have it!
Ohhh, it is a very nice, rare to see such a good quality of quadricolor. Opened very well, shape is perfect, colouration is perfect, too, with four colours. Very lucky you to have it!
Thanks Istvsn! Honestly I could not have told you quadricolor is a species as I have no experience with it, but I appreciated the unique beauty of this flower and totally trust this vendor. His description told me it’s pretty special, loved the provenance and history he gave so went for it based on that. Now I just have to grow it well… The new growth is in spike so can’t wait to see it bloom under my lights.
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Good luck! Looks great. If I were based in the US then the offerings of this guy would be very very hard to resist. I still look at what he has to offer every week on eBay just to see what is around and where the latest breeding is taking species like warscewiczii and mossiae.
David, he has amazing things and is such an absolute joy to deal with. He ships the day after you win the bid and plants are as described. He’s very willing to communicate as well. He gives the history and provenance of his plants which I really appreciate and is totally trustworthy and reputable.
This and C. percivaliana ‘Ondine’ are the only two I’ve gotten this year. I absolutely hate bidding on eBay, but have managed to win these two. More than my budget would really allow, but both are very special to me. Since I can only have 50-75 cattleyas and nothing larger than 8” pot and really not many that big, I’ve decided to refine my collection to mostly orig. divisions of things I like with a few special meristems that are good and I love, some for sentimental reasons. If something comes in now, pretty much every time something must go out. So I have to be very picky.
And I am doing the same thing as Deborah, also periodically trying to get lucky on eBay with Steve Christoffersen, Waldors, or Chadwicks. I have won a bid only a handful of times. Steve predominantly has species and competition can be strong with high bidding prices.
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And I am doing the same thing as Deborah, also periodically trying to get lucky on eBay with Steve Christofferson, Waldors, or Chadwicks. I have won a bid only a handful of times. Steve predominantly has species and competition can be strong with high bidding prices.
Hehe sometimes I’m on there too. So me three. We should coordinate better.
And I am doing the same thing as Deborah, also periodically trying to get lucky on eBay with Steve Christofferson, Waldors, or Chadwicks. I have won a bid only a handful of times. Steve predominantly has species and competition can be strong with high bidding prices.
I’ve also picked up some great things from the 3 of them. This summer was pretty wild though. Prices were close to 10x what they were a year or two ago for some of the divisions, even some mericlones. There was a several month period where between the 3 sellers there were multiple plants a week going for $1-3k. I’m regretting not trying to pick up some of them a year ago, before the prices spiked, but it must have been great for the sellers! I’ve always thought of the orchid hobby as pretty niche, and the collectors of the original divisions is an even smaller group, so it was pretty eye-opening to see multiple people willing to spend thousands a week on orchids. Must be what the 1890s were like!
I’ve only seen one that Chadwick’s listed go that high, but I don’t follow closely. I agree, though, the days of the ‘Divisions List’ with $150 for orig. divisions and $75 meristems for outstanding things seems to be over. On one hand eBay determines what the market can bear, but on the other prices many things out of reach.
One thing that makes me nuts on eBay is when people bid early on. That just drives up the price IMO.

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