Say, did anyone see the helenaes and hangs being sold openly at the WOC? 
Yes. I bought a flask of hangianum and then returned it to the vendor. It was a very hard decision to return it, but I did.
Yes. I bought a flask of hangianum and then returned it to the vendor. It was a very hard decision to return it, but I did.
Yes. I bought a flask of hangianum and then returned it to the vendor. It was a very hard decision to return it, but I did.
Yes. I bought a flask of hangianum and then returned it to the vendor. It was a very hard decision to return it, but I did.
If the WOC was in Canada those plants would be fine! sure is funny how it is up to each country how they wish to enforce the rules of CITIES. My local society had just obtained a CITIES permit to import paph species for our spring show. helenaes and hangs are on the list of plants that are being legally imported. all you need to do is move to Canada and you can have anything you want!
the USA considers Taiwan as part of China and some of these particular vietnamese plants are found along the China / Vietnam border area in the Chinese region. Therefore, plants transferred from mainland China to Taiwan do not require CITES, per the convention, because they're considered the same country and instead of Vietnam, the vendors would only need documentation that it came from mainland China, which since they're the same country, means only that they need to say it came from China and the plants are artificially propagated. Flasks are exempt from CITES.?