Two Seedlings with Very Different Colors

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Aug 14, 2014
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New York City
A two very differently colored flowers of [(Neofinetia falcata ‘Shutennou’ x Koto) x sib].
Koto parent is considered a hybrid.
The dark red violet colored one shown below was among the first to flower from the flask I got in 2015. It first bloomed in 2017!
More than half the seedlings were this dark in bloom and others were either pure white to white with pink blushing like the one shown here.
Both plants bloom every year with very large fragrant flowers but the lighter one is much faster grower having accumulated a few growths while the dark one is still a single-growth plant. The lighter colored one also has a higher flower count (up to 13 at its best blooming!) and last much longer than typical neos up to 4 weeks.
I’m entertaining the idea of cross-pollinating these two. 😁

Both are lovely, but that darker one caught my eye. Neos are cool growers, right?
They don't grow as a cool grower although I'm not sure what is really meant by a cool grower.
The species Neos come from Subtropical to tropical climate in the southern tip of South Korea and Japan where the summer gets very warm and the winter gets cool to near freezing during the winter.
They should grow perfectly fine in the greenhouse in your area with some winter protection.
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I always wonder if these can be cultivated under warm climates?
The average temperature range Max/Min for the month of July & Aug in their Korean habitat is 83/73 and 84/74. The temperature in its southern most distribution in Okinawa, Japan is 88/79 and 87/78, respectively.
The winter temperature max/min for January & February in Korean habitat is 44/37 and 46/38, and 66/57 for both months in Okinawa.
So, I would say try and find the variety known as Amami Island (a small island just north of Okinawa) or wild type. These are the cheapest and most commonly distributed variety I believe. They tend to grow larger than typical select varieties but also with larger flowers with higher number of them. So I would recommend that one.
Also, if you could keep your day time temperature well under 70F in the winter months, then, you could try just about any variety with success I believe.
Regarding the light, there's whole chart of correct light level for different varieties. This is a guideline for those who strive to grow their plants to near perfection to compete at the neo shows. Most of them will grow and bloom fine at any decently bright location where your Phalaenopsis, Oncidium, or even Cattleyas grow and bloom well.
Avoid midday hot sun, though.
Also, something to think about, in the wild, all the good healthy clumps are found heavily shaded under the tree leaves. Most of these tress shed leaves in the fall exposing the plants in the full fun but winter tends to be cool to near freezing in the habitat. High humidity at all times with occasional winter rain or even snow.
Nice to show the genetic variation.

Love them.

I find them intermediate growers. But can tolerate high heat and light in summer.
It's best to keep them under 30C (86F) which is the point where they stop growing in the summer time.
It's important to keep them well shaded and watered and ventilated. Even then, summer is when the nurseries report the most loss to rotting disease as plants are under stress.
When you keep them at under 30C and with proper shading, you will see them happy :)

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