Two NoID Complex

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Aug 14, 2014
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From a grocery store.
For only €12.99 I could not pass them up. At shows, I saw complex of worse quality and without tag sold for much higher.
The spotted bulldog has a fairly good size at a little over 6inches wide!
Both plants have two new growths. Yay!!
I envy those of you whose grocery stores and big box stores carry more genera than just Phalaenopsis. Here in NJ whatever grocery and big box sells orchids, only sells Phals. We have Phals. everywhere but nothing else. I do have an orchid nursery right in my home town, however, they specialize in, what else, Phals. They do receive shipments on a bi-weekly basis from Taiwan with complex and Maudiae type Paphs. however as soon as the plants begin to open their buds they are shipped out to their wholesale customers. So, no comparing and picking out the better ones.
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I wish I lived in Tacoma so I could drive a few hours down to Hillsview Garden and check out (and pick out) their complex in bloom this time of the year!
I haven't been down there yet but it is on my radar. I have ordered several plants from her and been super happy with all of them. They were all malipoense species or hybrids. I don't suppose she ships to Europe? And, I am a fan of that first complex's top hat like dorsal.
I envy those of you whose grocery stores and big box stores carry more genera than just Phalaenopsis. Here in NJ whatever grocery and big box sells orchids, only sells Phals. We have Phals. everywhere but nothing else. I do have an orchid nursery right in my home town, however, they specialize in, what else, Phals. They do receive shipments on a bi-weekly basis from Taiwan with complex and Maudiae type Paphs. however as soon as the plants begin to open their buds they are shipped out to their wholesale customers. So, no comparing and picking out the better ones.
That is often the case everywhere.
Trader Joe's in Manhattan used to carry quite diverse selections of orchids like Oncidium intergenerics, Zygopetalum hybrids, Dendrobiums, Maudia type Paphs (but rarely)...
I haven't been down there yet but it is on my radar. I have ordered several plants from her and been super happy with all of them. They were all malipoense species or hybrids. I don't suppose she ships to Europe? And, I am a fan of that first complex's top hat like dorsal.
Yeah, I once asked Theresa about international shipping, and she said no.
she does have excellent quality plants. Everything I bought from her has been of high-quality healthy plants.

Yeah, the first complex looks a lot like villosum. I like the wild look.
Speaking of wild look, today I saw another NOID complex at this store, and it looked like a super-sized gratrixianum. I almost bought it but too cold to carry the poor thing around. If I see it still there tomorrow, I think I'll buy it. :)
So I have to ask....did you buy it? I have never seen a live gratrixianum but I definitely like them in the photos. They also that top hat like dorsal.
I envy those of you whose grocery stores and big box stores carry more genera than just Phalaenopsis. Here in NJ whatever grocery and big box sells orchids, only sells Phals. We have Phals. everywhere but nothing else. I do have an orchid nursery right in my home town, however, they specialize in, what else, Phals. They do receive shipments on a bi-weekly basis from Taiwan with complex and Maudiae type Paphs. however as soon as the plants begin to open their buds they are shipped out to their wholesale customers. So, no comparing and picking out the better ones.
I’m in Chicago and have never seen a “bag baby.” Once in a great while there’s a Dendrobium
So I have to ask....did you buy it? I have never seen a live gratrixianum but I definitely like them in the photos. They also that top hat like dorsal.
I went back to the store and the one I had in mind was gone. The other ones with smaller and inferior shape were still there. Well, I guess I missed out on that one but I'm sure I will see something nice again soon or later. :)
Before Lowe's closed in Manhattan, they had lots of bag babies. Usually Cattleyas and Vandas.
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