Two Canadians go to the Jersey Shore...

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I wonder if that many people hovering over an owl could be called wildlife harassment? I wonder why so many
people feed wild creatures, although Fish and Wildlife Depts. tell them not to do so. Driving up from Spokane to Banff, I saw literally a hundred cars stopped by the
side of the road surrounding a moose with a baby. Not to
even mention driving through the Smoky Mts. and watching idiots feeding black bears from car windows. On
that same trip, a Japanese woman with a camera was gored badly by a bull elk in Banff. I'm not taking issue with
you Clark. You obviously have a good long lens. However, these harassed animals will pay with their lives
if they attack a fool with a camera.

Oh, no missing cats, but I hear a good bit of screaming
rabbits on my roof in the middle of the night.
Hi Clark
We see ours driving around the conntry side,no one around just me and my better half.
The 6 we saw were up north of here.
Visiting a friend and he had not seen any till we went for a drive and he was amazed that there were that many that we saw in his area. We saw ours in about 2 hours.

Many thanks:
And for the record, my wife shot the first two fox images.
I forgot to give her credit.

Six in a day is remarkable. Cheers!
Is there a crowd of birders/photographers near each bird. I live in a rather high density area, so there are many people with cabin fever looking for a reason to get out.
One gets used to being elbow to elbow I guess.
Just wondering how it is by you.

Brabantia, look like you bullseyed that one.
And I appreciate the history lesson. Thank you.
Nope, the goring I saw was in Banff and a MUCH larger
elk and a very small Japanese woman. Ermon and I were
no more than 50-60' away when it happened. She was not
being respectful and got right in the bull elk's face with her camera. It was also rutting season. I think she got
just what she deserved as do others who harass wildlife
for a camera shot. I don't know what happened to the
elk, but I suspect the Canadian authorities left him alone.
I hope.
Looks like Newark airport has a snowy owl now.
Not uncommon for the authorities to shoot them.
Based on your title I thought maybe you saw a couple French Canadians in Atlantic City and said to myself, "ho-hum".

But I stand corrected! Fantastic birds, and I'm sorry to say I can't remember having ever seen even one outside of a zoo. Awesome shots, as always. You almost think they're perched on snowdrifts rather than sand dunes.
I hope there's a happy ending to the bird shooting stories.
There's absolutely no reason airport problems can't be
worked out to save passengers and the lovely birds. Fire
crackers at an airport in KY seems to work quite well.
Interesting. Hedwig on my rooftop :rollhappy:

Too bad we don't have data going back centuries to know if this trend is rare, cyclic or unprecedented. If the earth is going through a major climate shift there will be many more unusual responses like this from various species - I can think of quite a few documented examples here and around the world already in progress.

Tom, Sarracenia flava is thriving in back yard.
At least 20 ft from foundation of house.
Got at least one seed to germinate from it this year.(natural, no help)

Something else that is new here. Cave crickets.
Only the last 3 years have I had them.
Anybody else in the northeast not have these before?

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