Thelychiton speciosa

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Saratoga Region, New York
A sweetly fragranced down under species. It used to be called Dend speciosum. This is definitely not a miniature orchid plant.


Roy, I recently purchased Jonses - Native Orchids of Australia...

The book uses all the new nomenclature, I just assumed that it was accepted in Australia. Well, glad I haven't changed my tag. Even my Rhynocolalia glauca is still tagged Brassavola.
Ron, Jones' book is good but there has been a revolt in the many circles over the new names of many Dends in Aust. The big change which you will see in his book is the name changes for some Dends to Dockrillia. This has now been tossed out & Dendrobium is back in. Rhyncholaelia glauca is accepted, unlike the changes in the Cattleya & laelia sections. What a disaster that is.
I have used Dockrillia for years on many species.

As for Grammatophyllum, I have a miniature one...only a few inches tall. I really don't have the space for this Dend but I am able to squeeze a few pots of Cyms, on upturned pots, amoung the growths, LOL
Splendid Ron!! (I have one since years, never flowered!).

..... Rhyncholaelia glauca is accepted, unlike the changes in the Cattleya & laelia sections. What a disaster that is.

I do not know this book but for Catts and Laelias,I completely agree with you!

Splendid Ron!! (I have one since years, never flowered!).

Jean, put your dend out in near full sun. Minimal shade if any. These grow in full sun here. If the plant remains too green or well looked after, it will never or rarely flower. The trouble is that we try to cultivate the plant instead of giving it what it is used too. Dry it out during winter, water once a week if that. BTW, speciosums never or rarely flower off new growths, they generally have to be 12 months old.

Jean, put your dend out in near full sun. Minimal shade if any. These grow in full sun here. If the plant remains too green or well looked after, it will never or rarely flower. The trouble is that we try to cultivate the plant instead of giving it what it is used too. Dry it out during winter, water once a week if that. BTW, speciosums never or rarely flower off new growths, they generally have to be 12 months old.

Thanks for the tip Roy; I have the plant since 10 years, so there should be some blooming size growths! Jean
Sue I purchased this off a Thai vendor a few years back. It is Grammatophyllum Yunnan Tiger 'compactum' (scriptum x speciosum) I believe. It came labeled as Gramm compactum 'Yunnan Tiger' and was hinted at that it was a new species.

Edit: D-, didn't realize which "Sue" you were, LOL :)...haven't seen you around the forums as of late.
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Ron, I have seen another Gram. that is a real mini. The (mature) plant is about only 6 inches tall, and will bloom if you have a clump of bulbs.. Unfortunately, I do not have a name and do not have a specimen because it does not really appeal to me... But it looks just like a mini scriptum, with no hint of speciosum at all... Maybe it is a mutant form of scriptum... :)